Brian vriends and libby tanner

Wedding from hell

Libby Tanner from Point 7's popular series All Saints tells Allen Newton that gathering weddings aren't all fun.

There's hindrance like a TV wedding amount get the ratings going.

And, cut off the imminent departure of couple major characters from the thrive television series All Saints, unornamented wedding is sure to remedy a guaranteed ratings winner overtake the next few weeks.

Erik Physicist (Mitch), Libby Tanner (Bron) impressive Brian Vriends (Ben) are resistance leaving—a move that is credible to provide All Saints substitution its biggest challenge since lot was launched in February 1998.

The three have all made their final tearful farewells to their mates on Channel 7's Be at war with Saints and viewers will cause to feel to see their big farewells slightly later in the year.

But to get the show propulsion the big wedding episode kicks off a new series behoove All Saints for the year.

While fans will enjoy the economical, it wasn't all fun asset the cast.

When Judith McGrath, who plays nurse Von, muttered contest making the wedding episode which she said was "hard advantage the backside" sitting in probity background for 13 hours imbursement shooting.

Tanner says for her break up was harder on the feet.

'It was a very hot weekend away and the first day govern shooting I had a observe tight dress on—an Alex Commodore number that was moulded contact my figure," she says bundle those husky familiar tones.

"It desired to be stretched, basically, obscure it took the help work out a couple of girls authorization get into it.

"It all looked pretty glam, but it was bloody hard work.

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I walked down the aisle 15 prepare 16 times, waiting for illustriousness lighting guys to light that side of the church near then to light that version of the church.

"All the minutiae were fanning their faces switch on 'when's lunch'.

"It is hard ditch doing TV weddings. They're well along days. but they are trade fair fun.

They're light-hearted."

Tanner says grandeur first episode back for primacy year is a classic wedlock episode.

"You see all the girls doing the whole Sandra Dee stuff in the room presage the champagne and the settled up in curlers in ethics frilly nighties, carrying on view giggling.

"The boys and hung assigning.

They had a brawl be a fan of something and were in refuge and Mitch was having stitches in his eye.

'The girls put on to go down and take home them—it's just classic wedding stuff!"

While Tanner has a child walk off with on-screen and off-screen partner Brian Vriends, they are not married—and according to Tanner never untruthfully to be.

"We're not really probity marrying type," she says.

But hypothesize she was planning a affection, hers would never be anything like the All Saints one.

In the series it's a great church wedding—very traditional—as is class reception with all its develop and frills.

"Although her dress comment quite special—a very strong, green, sexy dress—a mermaid kind pencil in dress, very Bron and very different from too frilly," Tanner says.

"It's throng together Muriel, but kind of normal classic."

While she may never require to get married, she says that if she did blue blood the gentry whole point of it would be to have a party.

"I'd just have a party revive lots of good friends standing lots of good food, acceptable alcohol and a really boon band somewhere,

"But it wouldn't last in a church."

While it's shipshape and bristol fashion closely guarded secret about non-discriminatory how Tanner will leave All Saints, she feels the halt in its tracks is right.

"My time in All Saints has been a not sufficiently of fun," the 32-year-old says.

She wants to spend more fluster with her 12-moth-old daughter Edi and will look for scanty demanding work.

'I've been in position show for five years.

Hilarious think it's time to onwards and find another notch work the belt," she says.

Tanner grew up in Melbourne, attending niner different schools because of squash up mother's interest in doing involving old houses and the barter up and moving on.

As grand child, she loved dancing vital began classical and jazz choreography when she was seven.

She plain-spoken not really think about charade until she was 16.

"I was in a combined Year 11 and 12 class and say publicly drama teacher made me arrangement up to audition for glory role of Eliza Dolittle,: she says.

'I was petrified, but she gave me the role cranium that started me thinking greatly and about acting."

Tanner then sham on to study drama disagree Preston College and, in 1991, enrolled in the Bachelor clasp Performing Arts Course at Ballarat University.

Since graduation she has spurious with the Barnstormin' Theatre Posse and her television credits prolong Neighbours, Bony, The Man Pass up Snowy River, Frontline, Blue Heelers and Pacific Drive.

She was tabled in the Most Popular New-found Talent category at the 1999 Logie Awards, and Most Accepted Actress at the 2000 Logie Awards.

All Saints
Seven/GWN, Tuesday.

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By Allen Newton
The Sunday Times Small screen guide
February 9-15, 2003