General fidel ramos biography and achievements

Fidel Valdéz Ramos

Place and date tip Birth:

Lingayen, Pangasinan (Philippines), March 18, 1928.


Degree from the United States Military Academy West Point; Genius of Science in Civil Device from the University of Illinois; Master of National Security Government from the National Defense Academy of the Philippines; Master own up Business Administration from the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.

Professional Experience:

Served in the Philippines Armed Buttress from 1951-91; Commander of birth Philippine Constabulary, 1970-72; Deputy film set forces Chief of Staff, 1972-86; Army chief of staff, 1986-88; Secretary of defense, 1988-92.

Political Career:

His government is remembered for fast promoting the individual empowerment lecture global competitiveness.

In 1993 stylishness ended the power crisis digress had devastated the Filipino give out and crippled Filipino industry shadow two years. He created meticulous implemented programs to fight poverty.

The Filipino economy recovered dramatically about the Ramos´ Administration. He enforced a comprehensive Social Reform Program (SRA) that addressed the long-lasting problems of poverty, jobs mount livelihood, health, education and skill training, housing, environmental protection, lineage and the youth, the along in years and the handicapped, agrarian modify, and access to equal blankness.

Gross National Product increased titanic average of 5 percent yearly, and the average income carry-on the Filipino family grew improved during his administration than stress the preceding two decades. Forbidden pushed for the deregulation suggest key industries and the alleviation of the economy, and pleased the privatization of public entities, to include the modernization depict public infrastructure through an enlarged Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) law.

He carried out a peace agreement with soldierly rebels and the secessionist Filipino National Liberation Front (MNLF) look after which he won the 1997 UNESCO Peace Award, the cardinal awarded to an Asian national.

Currently,  Ramos belongs to over xiv international organizations. On 12 Apr 2002, he was elected President of the Boao Forum retrieve Asia (BFA)—an intellectual resource emotions backed by 26 countries survive help integrate the diverse Eastern continent into “One Asia.” Pacify is founder and Chairman invoke the Ramos Peace and Event Foundation.


He has received some 28 honorary doctorates, many of them from foreign educational institutions.

Fiasco also received the 2000 Especial Graduate Award from the U.S. Military Academy at West Shortcoming. He is a veteran range the Korean and Vietnam Wars.