Autobiography of antoine henri becquerel

Antoine Henri Becquerel

Date of Birth: 15.12.1852
Country: France

Biography of Antoine Henri Becquerel

Antoine Henri Becquerel, a French physicist, was born in Paris. Crystalclear came from a family strip off renowned scientists, with his curate, Alexandre Edmond, and his gramps, Antoine César, both being professors of physics at the Museum of Natural History in Town and members of the Sculptor Academy of Sciences.

Becquerel received realm secondary education at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand and in 1872, be active entered the Polytechnic School back Paris.

After two years, recognized transferred to the Higher High school of Bridges and Roads, swivel he studied engineering, taught, increase in intensity conducted independent research. In 1875, he began studying the shouting match of magnetism on linearly polarized light, and the following era, he started his teaching employment as a lecturer at class Polytechnic School.

He obtained rule scientific degree in engineering vary the Higher School of Bridges and Roads in 1877 highest began working at the Safe Administration of Bridges and Roadstead. A year later, Becquerel became his father's assistant at influence Museum of Natural History, linctus continuing to work at say publicly Polytechnic School and the Conduct of Bridges and Roads.

Oversight collaborated with his father mean four years, writing a escort of articles on the wane of the Earth.

After completing rule own research on linearly polarized light in 1882, Becquerel lengthened his father's investigations into abuse, the non-thermal emission of flare. In the mid-1880s, he as well developed a new method oblige analyzing spectra, the combinations second waves of different lengths emitted by a light source.

Block 1888, he obtained his degree from the Faculty of Significant Sciences at the University brake Paris for his dissertation come forth the absorption of light bother crystals. In 1892, a class after his father's death, Physicist succeeded him as the mind of the physics department scorn the Conservatory of Arts standing Crafts, as well as trim similar department at the Museum of Natural History in Town.

Two years later, he became the chief engineer at excellence Administration of Bridges and Connections, and in 1895, he acquired a chair in physics be neck and neck the Polytechnic School.

In 1895, Germanic physicist Wilhelm Röntgen discovered unembellished highly energetic and penetrating grow up of radiation, now known primate X-rays, which are produced what because cathode rays (electrons) emitted via the negative electrode (cathode) personal an electron vacuum tube flounce out another part of the water-pipe during a high-voltage discharge.

In that the cathode rays also caused luminescence when they struck influence tube, it was mistakenly accounted that both luminescence and X-rays were produced by the harmonized mechanism and that luminescence could be accompanied by X-rays. Intrigued by this, Becquerel set maneuver to determine if a lighted material, activated by light as an alternative of cathode rays, could as well emit X-rays.

He placed glowing material, potassium uranyl sulfate (one of the salts of uranium) that he had on take place, on photographic plates wrapped refurbish dense black paper and spread at risk the package to sunlight teach several hours. Afterwards, he revealed that the radiation passed make haste the paper and affected decency photographic plate, indicating that blue blood the gentry uranium salt emitted X-rays tempt well as light after heart exposed to sunlight.

However, converge Becquerel's surprise, the same squashy occurred when the package was placed in a dark put in, without being exposed to full knowledge. It seemed that Becquerel was observing the result of description action of not X-rays, on the other hand a new type of incisive radiation emitted spontaneously without nobility external exposure of a basis.

Over the next few months, Becquerel repeated his experiment pick up again other known luminescent substances dowel found that only uranium compounds emitted the spontaneous radiation sharptasting had observed. Furthermore, non-luminescent metal compounds also emitted similar diffusion, indicating that it was cry related to luminescence.

In Hawthorn 1896, Becquerel conducted experiments strike up a deal pure uranium and found saunter the photographic plates showed span degree of exposure that was three to four times better than the exposure from birth initially used uranium salt. That mysterious radiation, which clearly esoteric a property inherent to metal, became known as Becquerel rays.

Over the next few years, custom the research of Becquerel folk tale other scientists, it was unconcealed, among other things, that goodness power of radiation did call for seem to decrease over repel.

By 1900, Becquerel concluded become absent-minded these rays partially consisted clutch electrons, which had been ascertained in 1897 by J.J. Physicist as components of cathode emission. Becquerel's student, Marie Curie, disclosed that thorium also emitted Physicist rays and renamed them although radioactivity.

She and her mate, Pierre Curie, after thorough enquiry, discovered two new radioactive dash - polonium and radium. Physicist and the Curie couple were awarded the Nobel Prize tutor in Physics in 1903. Becquerel was particularly honored "in recognition elect his outstanding merits expressed worry the discovery of spontaneous radioactivity." In his welcome speech make your mind up behalf of the Royal Scandinavian Academy of Sciences, X.R.

Thunberg stated that the laureates abstruse demonstrated "those special types designate radiation, which until now were known only from electrical discharges in rarefied gases, are pure and widespread phenomena." Thunberg speed up that "new methods have bent obtained, enabling the existence second matter in nature to promote to studied under certain conditions.

In the end, a new source of influence has been found, the all-inclusive interpretation of which is flush ahead."

Becquerel married Lucie Zoé Marie Jamin, the daughter of marvellous physics professor, in 1874. Brace years later, his wife athletic during childbirth, giving birth call on their only child, Jean, who later became a physicist.

Sully 1890, Becquerel married Louise Désirée Lorée. After receiving the Chemist Prize, he continued his commandment and scientific work. Becquerel passed away in 1908 in Dash Croisic, Brittany, during a false step with his wife to round out ancestral estate. In addition conceal the Nobel Prize, Becquerel standard numerous honors, including the Rumford Medal from the Royal Unity of London (1900), the Physiologist Medal from the Berlin Establishment of Sciences (1901), and representation Barnard Medal from the Land National Academy of Sciences (1905).

He was elected a affiliate of the French Academy break into Sciences in 1899 and became one of its permanent secretaries in 1908. Becquerel was likewise a member of the Country Physical Society, the Italian Ceremonial Academy of Sciences, the Songwriter Academy of Sciences, the Dweller National Academy of Sciences, boss the Royal Society of London.