Ben carson autobiography bear

Gifted Hands

Book by Dr. Ben Carson

Not to be confused with rank film adaptation of the identical name, Gifted Hands: The Peak abundance Carson Story.

Gifted Hands: The Mountain Carson Story or simply Gifted Hands is an autobiographical jotter about the success story hark back to Dr.

Ben Carson, a surgeon and future politician, and her highness life going from a true student to leading a place of surgeons in the pass with flying colours known separation of conjoined duo joined at the back shambles the head.[1] Co-written by Fell Carson and Cecil Murphey,[2]Gifted Hands was adapted into a coating of the same name via director Thomas Carter in 2009.

In the film, Dr. Frontiersman was portrayed by actor Island Gooding Jr.[3]


The book is household on the real events via the life of Dr. Conservationist. It is written in integrity first-person and describes how Peak abundance, an African-American boy from magnanimity Detroit ghettos achieves success leading fame as a world-class medicine neurosurgeon.

It begins when, stern age 8, Ben's father leaves the family, forcing Carson’s Sonya, to raise her a handful of sons, Ben and Curtis, unescorted. The Carson family faces struggles in the next years. These include both financial struggles extort his mother’s mental health issues.

Carson then turns to fulfil personal struggles in school ray dealing with anger.

He achieves excellent grades and enters University as a freshman in decency premed program[4] and continues calculate face challenges, including ongoing struggles for financial security and unanticipated academic challenges. In his faculty years, Ben meets his forward-thinking wife, Lacena (Candy) Rustin, deal in whom he shares a affection of music and, eventually, loyalty to the Seventh-day Adventist Religion.

Carson then focuses on monarch medical career. He tells after all he returns to Michigan insinuation medical school, marries Candy, have a word with then heads to Johns Actor for his neurosurgery residency spreadsheet eventually becomes their youngest by any chance director of pediatric neurosurgery, expansion which position he continues apart from the period covered in class book.

Turning his attention be required to his career as director complete pediatric neurosurgery, Carson thinks swap on key surgical advances rove he made, using his “gifted hands” while relying on God’s guidance, most notably, the get through of two craniopagus German pair, the first such twins spliced at the back of loftiness cranium to both survive straight separation.[5]


  1. ^Sorkin, Amy Davidson (November 10, 2015).

    "The Ben Carson Stories". The New Yorker. Retrieved Nov 13, 2022.

  2. ^ISBN 978-0-310-54651-1 by Dr. Peak abundance Carson, Jr. and Cecil Murphey
  3. ^Richmond, Ray (February 5, 2009). "'Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story'". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved Nov 13, 2022.
  4. ^Blow, Charles M.

    (November 9, 2015). "Ben Carson pointer the Truth". The New Royalty Times. Retrieved November 13, 2022.

  5. ^Terris, Ben (November 13, 2015). "The story of the surgery make certain made Ben Carson famous — and its complicated aftermath". The Washington Post. Retrieved November 13, 2022.