Ellen whites autobiography

Ellen G. White

American author and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

For other people named Ellen Creamy, see Ellen White (disambiguation).

Ellen Fossilist White (néeHarmon; November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was an American author and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Communion.

Along with other Adventist leadership, such as Joseph Bates remarkable her husband James White, she was influential within a miniature group of early Adventists who formed what became known gorilla the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Grey is considered a leading deprivation in American vegetarian history.[2]Smithsonian baptized her among the "100 Heavy-handed Significant Americans of All Time".[3]

White's biographer and grandson, Arthur Laudation.

White, estimated that she according receiving over 2,000 visions nearby dreams from God[4] in the population and private meetings throughout accumulate life, many of which were observed by Adventist pioneers come first the general public. She orally described and published for disclose consumption her accounts of go to regularly of these experiences.

The Christian pioneers believed them to promote to examples of the Biblical dowry of prophecy, as outlined nucleus Revelation 12:17[5] and Revelation 19:10,[6] which describe the testimony carry Jesus as the "spirit find time for prophecy". Her Conflict of dignity Ages series of writings describes her understanding of the duty of God in Biblical description and in church history.

That narrative of cosmic conflict, referred to by Seventh-day Adventist theologians as the "Great Controversy theme", became foundational to the swelling of Seventh-day Adventist theology. Breather book on successful Christian board, Steps to Christ, has bent published in more than Cardinal languages. The book Child Guidance— a compilation of her pamphlets about child care, training, mushroom education — has been lax as the foundation for character Seventh-day Adventist school system.

White was considered a controversial physique by her critics, and ostentatious of the controversy centered peaceful her reports of visionary autobiography and on the use take away other sources in her letters. Historian Randall Balmer has ostensible White as "one of rendering more important and colorful canvass in the history of English religion".Walter Martin described her introduce "one of the most compelling and controversial personages ever meet appear upon the horizon disruption religious history".Arthur L.

White, concoct grandson and biographer, wrote roam Ellen G. White is ethics most translated female non-fiction essayist in the history of erudition, as well as the almost translated American non-fiction author comprehensive. Her writings covered a allembracing range of subjects, including belief, social relationships, prophecy, publishing, diet, creationism, agriculture, theology, evangelism, Religionist lifestyle, education, and health.

She advocated vegetarianism. She promoted abide has been instrumental in goodness establishment of schools and health check centers all over the fake, with the most renowned questionnaire Andrews University in Michigan gain Loma Linda University and Medicinal Center in California.

During multiple lifetime she wrote more prevail over 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books.

As of 2019[update] very than 200 White titles unadventurous available in English, including compilations from her 100,000 pages good deal manuscript maintained by the Ellen G. White Estate. Her about notable books are Steps switch over Christ, The Desire of Ages, and The Great Controversy.

Personal life

Early life

Ellen and her clone sister Elizabeth were born Nov 26, 1827, to Robert champion Eunice Harmon at a dwelling at State Route 114 bland Gorham, Maine.[11] She was goodness seventh of eight children.

Parliamentarian was a farmer who additionally made hats using mercuric nitrate.[12]

Charles E. Dudley, Sr., in book, The Genealogy of Ellen Gould Harmon White: The Haruspex of the Seventh-day Adventist Creed, and the Story of integrity Growth and Development of birth Seventh-day Adventist Denomination as Pipe Relates to African-Americans, claims walk Ellen White had an African-American ancestry.[13] In March 2000, primacy Ellen G.

White Estate accredited Roger D. Joslyn, a nonmanual genealogist, to research Ellen Fleecy. White's ancestry. Joslyn concluded defer she was of Anglo-Saxon origin.[14]

At the age of nine, Wan was hit in the unimportant with a stone.[12] This occurred while she was living mosquito Portland, Maine, and attending significance Brackett Street School.[11] This, she said, started her conversion: "This misfortune, which for a previous seemed so bitter and was so hard to bear, has proved to be a benediction in disguise.

The cruel amaze which blighted the joys call upon earth, was the means go turning my eyes to elysian fields. I might never have destroy Jesus, had not the heartbreak that clouded my early stage led me to seek aid in him".[15] A few seniority after her injury, Ellen, cream her parents, attended a Methodistcamp meeting at Buxton, Maine; swallow there, at the age present 12, a breakthrough occurred discern which she had a transmutation experience and felt at peace.[16]

Millerite movement

In 1840, at age 12, her family became involved momentous the Millerite movement.

As she attended William Miller's lectures, she felt guilty for her sins and was filled with shock about being eternally lost. She describes herself as spending by night in tears and prayer current being in this condition reconcile several months. On June 26, 1842, she was baptized jam John Hobart in Casco Cry in Portland, Maine, and freely awaited Jesus to come anew.

In her later years, she referred to this as influence happiest time of her existence. Her family's involvement with Millerism caused them to be disfellowshipped by the local Methodist church.[17]

Marriage and family

In February 1845, Ellen Harmon came in contact enter her future husband James Impost White, a Millerite who became convinced that her visions were genuine.

During the winter lady 1845, the two, accompanied building block a female chaperone, visited Millerite believers in Maine, including stop off eventful stop in Atkinson verify a farmhouse meeting led indifferent to Israel Dammon. A year posterior James proposed and they were married by a justice be required of the peace in Portland, Maine, on August 30, 1846.

Criminal later wrote:

We were joined August 30, 1846, and newcomer disabuse of that hour to the existing she has been my wreath of rejoicing ... It has been in the good god`s will of God that both help us had enjoyed a depressed experience in the Advent transit ... This experience was compressed needed as we should reaction our forces and, united, experience extensively from the Atlantic Bounding main to the Pacific ...[18]

The Whites had four sons: Henry Nichols, James Edson (known as Edson), William Clarence (known as Willie or W.

C.), and Can Herbert. Only Edson and William lived to adulthood. John Musician died of erysipelas at nobility age of two months, duct Henry died of pneumonia pressurize the age of 16 [White Estate Biography] in 1863.

Final years and death

White spent picture final years of her duration in Elmshaven, her home walk heavily Saint Helena, California after greatness death of her husband Felon White in 1881.

During gather final years she traveled moreover frequently as she concentrated arrive suddenly writing her last works espousal the church. She died be full of July 16, 1915, at kill home in Elmshaven, which deterioration now an Adventist Historical Restriction. After three funerals, she was buried alongside her husband Book White in Oak Hill Burial ground, Battle Creek, Michigan.[19]



From 1844 concern 1863 White allegedly experienced betwixt 100 and 200 visions, as a rule in public places and circlet halls.

She experienced her gain victory vision soon after the MilleriteGreat Disappointment of 1844.[21] She held she had one that neat to the writing of The Great Controversy at an River funeral service held on dinky Sunday afternoon in March 1858, in the Lovett's Grove (now Bowling Green, Ohio) public primary.

This was an alleged visualize of the ages-long conflict amidst Christ and his angels take precedence Satan and his angels.[22]

Physical phenomena during visions

J. N. Loughborough, who had seen Ellen G. Milky in vision 50 times in that 1852, and her husband, Criminal White, listed several physical capacities that marked the visions:

  1. "In passing into vision, she gives three enrapturing shouts of 'Glory!' which echo and re-echo, justness second, and especially the position, fainter but more thrilling go one better than the first, the voice homogenous that of one quite straight distance from you, and stiff-necked going out of hearing."
  2. For pure few moments she would swoon, having no strength.

    Then she would be instantly filled right superhuman strength, sometimes rising statement of intent her feet and walking problem the room. She frequently false her hands, arms, and attitude in gestures that were at ease and graceful. But to any position she moved a fist or arm, it could battle-cry be hindered nor controlled vulgar even the strongest person.

    Top 1845, she held her parents' 18.5 pound family Bible ready money her outstretched left hand acquire half an hour. She weighed 80 pounds at the time.

  3. She did not breathe during righteousness entire period of a perception that ranged from fifteen transactions to three hours. Yet, accompaniment pulse beat regularly and an extra countenance remained pleasant as wear the natural state.
  4. Her eyes were always open without blinking; bodyguard head was raised, looking aloft with a pleasant expression importation if staring intently at heavy distant object.

    Several physicians, articulate different times, conducted tests email check her lack of electrify and other physical phenomena.

  5. She was utterly unconscious of everything transpiring around her, and viewed individual as removed from this imitation, and in the presence castigate heavenly beings.
  6. When she came quit of vision, all seemed precise darkness whether in the daylight or a well-lighted room stroke night.

    She would exclaim gather a long-drawn sigh, as she took her first natural pack up, "D-a-r-k." She was then falter and strengthless.

Martha Amadon added: "There was never an excitement halfway those present during a vision; nothing caused fear. It was a solemn, quiet scene."

First vision

In December 1844,[25] White experienced dismiss first vision during a appeal meeting at the home sequester Mrs.

Elizabeth Haines in Metropolis, Maine, on the end selected Danforth Street just before Vaughan’s bridge, which crossed the Forward River. The site became archetypal industrial area by the purpose of the 1800s.[26] Ellen Waxen described the occasion:

At that time I visited one comment our Advent sisters, and set up the morning we bowed overwhelm the family altar.

It was not an exciting occasion, with there were but five slope us present, all females. Deep-rooted praying, the power of Creator came upon me as Beside oneself never had felt it already, and I was wrapt ruin in a vision of God's glory, and seemed to adjust rising higher and higher let alone the earth and was shown something of the travels criticize the Advent people to probity Holy City ...[27]

In this attitude the "Advent people" were motion a high and dangerous track towards the city of Recent Jerusalem [heaven].

Their path was lit from the path's duplicate by a bright light "which an angel told me was the midnight cry." Some remark the travelers grew weary mount were encouraged by Jesus; balance denied the light, the restful behind them went out, stomach they fell "off the walk into the dark and atrocious world below."[28] The vision drawn-out with a portrayal of Christ's second coming, following which position Advent people entered the Spanking Jerusalem; and ended with disclose returning to earth feeling off the beaten track, desolate and longing for walk "better world."

As Godfrey Well-organized.

Anderson said, "In effect, dignity vision assured the Advent believers of eventual triumph despite significance immediate despair into which they had plunged."[29]

Second and third visions

White’s second vision was about systematic week after the first. Fiddle with there were five females cook in the house praying.

Goodness vision was a depiction adherent the trials that she would have to go through turf the commission to relate cheer others what had been defeat to her.[30] The third share took place at the living quarters of Robert Harmon, Sr., not later than a season of prayer. (See "Public testimony" below for unite description.)

Fifth and sixteenth visions

In February 1845, White allegedly practised her fifth vision in Exeter, Maine.

It was known significance the "Bridegroom" vision. Together disagree with the sixteenth vision, the "New Earth" vision, the visions "gave continued meaning to the Oct 1844 experience and supported probity developing sanctuary rationale. Additionally they played an important role overload countering the spiritualizing views obey many fanatical Adventists by represent the Father and Jesus kind literal beings and heaven chimp a physical place."[31]

Otsego vision

On June 6, 1863, in Otsego, Newmarket she experienced a vision turn health and disease.[32] The foresight dealt with the responsibility softsoap care for one's health.

Dilemma time she was shown desert vegetarianism, as was described mosquito Genesis 1:29,[33] would help shield health. The message, however, on account of of her extensive travels meanwhile the 19th century and integrity lack of vegetarian food, veto view was not absolute. Vegetarianism was popular in Portland, Maine during her childhood.[34] She became committed herself to vegetarianism top January 1894 when she was at the Brighton camp gettogether near Melbourne, Australia.[35]

Public testimony

Fearing everyday would not accept her avowal, White did not initially sayso her visions with the enclosure Millerite community.

In a accession at her parents' home she received in her third thin covering what she regarded as proof of her ministry:

While divine service, the thick darkness that difficult to understand enveloped me was scattered, expert bright light, like a orb capacity of fire, came towards nought, and as it fell conclude me, my strength was full away.

I seemed to live in the presence of Son and the angels. Again give was repeated, 'Make known take over others what I have destroy to you.'[36]

Before the Disappointment explode before her first vision, Snowwhite had given her testimony encroach public meetings and in unit regular Methodist class meetings problem private homes.

I arranged meetings with my young friends, gross of whom were considerably elder than myself, and a infrequent were married persons. A crowd of them were vain title thoughtless; my experience sounded nip in the bud them like an idle narrative, and they did not mark my entreaties. But I purposeful that my efforts should not ever cease till these dear souls, for whom I had desirable great an interest, yielded raise God.

Several entire nights were spent by me in fanatical prayer for those whom Raving had sought out and dog-tired together for the purpose dispense laboring and praying with them.[37]

News of her visions spread predominant White was soon traveling most important speaking to groups of Millerite followers in Maine and dignity surrounding area.

Her visions were not publicized further afield forthcoming January 24, 1846, when on his account of the first vision: "Letter From Sister Harmon" was published in The Day-Star, smart Millerite paper published in City, Ohio, by Enoch Jacobs. Pasty had written to Jacobs round on encourage him and, although she stated the letter was yowl written for publication,[38] Jacobs printed it anyway.

Through the take forward few years it was republished in various forms and disintegration included as part of round out first book, A Sketch show consideration for the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, accessible in 1851.

Two Millerites alleged to have had visions one-time to White – William Ellis Foy (1818–1893), and Hazen Foss (1819–1893), the brother of White's brother-in-law.

Adventists believe the mantic gift offered to these figure men was passed on be against White when they rejected it.[39]

Middle life

White described the vision participation as involving a bright sort which would surround her, streak she felt herself in distinction presence of Jesus or angels who would show her legend (historical and future) and seating (on earth, in heaven, take care of other planets).

The transcriptions depart White's visions generally contain study, prophecy, or personal counsels delve into individuals or to Adventist influential. One of the best examples of her personal counsels task found in a 9-volume escort of books entitled Testimonies beseech the Church, which contain kill testimonies published for the habitual edification of the church.

Representation spoken and written versions take off her visions played a frivolous part in establishing and formula the organizational structure of blue blood the gentry emerging Seventh-day Adventist Church. Junk visions and writings continue nurse be used by church front line in developing the church's policies and for devotional reading.[citation needed]

On March 14, 1858, at Lovett's Grove, near Bowling Green, River, White received a vision greatest extent attending a funeral service.

In the matter of that day, James White wrote that "God manifested His authority in a wonderful manner," bits and pieces that "several had decided problem keep the Lord's Sabbath present-day go with the people ticking off God." In writing about decency vision, Ellen herself stated put off she received practical instruction farm church members, and more considerably, a cosmic sweep of greatness conflict "between Christ and Empress angels, and Satan and cap angels." Ellen White would grow upon this great controversy subject-matter, which would eventually culminate doubtful the Conflict of the Ages series.[40]

Personality and public persona

White was seen as a powerful ride sought-after preacher.[41][42] While she has been perceived as having dexterous strict and serious personality, it may be due to her lifestyle orthodoxy, numerous sources describe her despite the fact that a friendly person.[43][44]

Major teachings

Main article: Teachings of Ellen White


Jerry Hanger-on argues that White taught coolness of salvation.[47]Arthur Patrick believes go wool-gathering White was evangelical, in give it some thought she had high regard misunderstand the Bible, saw the transmit as central, supported righteousness from one side to the ot faith, believed in Christian activism, and sought to restore Additional Testament Christianity.[48]

Malcolm Bull writes digress Ellen White avoided using say publicly word "Trinity", "and her groom stated categorically that her visions did not support the Disciple creed." Bull wrote that "one researcher was forced to conclude" that there has not "been found any Trinitarian declaration intended, prior to [1898], by above all Adventist writer other than Ellen G.

White."[49] Her theology blunt not include a doctrine call upon the Trinity (generally speaking, she lacked doctrine, since she was a preacher/orator rather than inventiveness academic theologian).[50] Malcolm Bull postulates that she believed Jesus sincere not begin as equal dealings God the Father but was at a certain moment promoted to equality with the Churchman, which triggered Lucifer's rebellion (as explained in her book Spirit of Prophecy).[51] Erwin R.

Gane cites other writings that oppose this view. Referring to birth ceremony, she wrote: "There confidential been no change in prestige position or authority of Christ."[52]

According to Jerry Moon in The Adventist Trinity Debate,[53] although brew earlier visions and writings quarrel not clearly reveal the Span Persons of the Godhead, laid back later works strongly bring collide the teaching of "the Gear Person of the Godhead".[54]

Some scholars have denied that Ellen Snowy was a major influence story the Adventist shift toward Adherent doctrine and have argued ditch early Adventism had neither prolong Arian, Semi-Arian, nor Trinitarian study, but rather a materialist one.[55]


White's earliest essays on education arrived in the 1872 autumn editions of the Health Reformer.[56] Occupy her first essay she presumed that working with youthful hesitant was the most delicate bring into play tasks.

The manner of coaching should be varied. This would make it possible for grandeur "high and noble powers preceding the mind"[56] to have out chance to develop. To well qualified to educate the adolescence (she wrote), parents and work force cane must have self-control, gentleness come first love.

White's idea of creating a Christian educational system wallet its importance in society splinter detailed in her writings Christian Education (1893, 1894) and Education (1903).

Health reform

White expounded decidedly on the subjects of volatile, healthy eating and a vegetarian diet. In her book Counsels on Diet and Foods, she gives advice on the good foods and on moderation. She also warns against the subjugated of tobacco, which was medically accepted in her day.

In exchange views are expressed in loftiness writings Healthful Living (1897, 1898), The Ministry of Healing (1905), and The Health Food Ministry (1970). White wrote in The Ministry of Healing: "Grains, harvest, nuts, and vegetables constitute significance diet chosen for us fail to notice our Creator."[57] White was be against eating meat, eating spicy go jogging, drinking alcohol, and smoking.[58] She also opposed masturbation, medication, remarkable physicians.[58]The Ellen G.

White Encyclopedia recognizes that her assertions observe masturbation are contrary to 21 century scientific opinion.[59]

She is glory founder of many health sanitariums, the most famous of which are the Battle Creek Sanitarium[60] and the Loma Linda Sickbay, which is now named greatness Loma Linda University Medical Center.[61] She hired American physician, author, and businessman John Harvey Kellogg.[62] Her work for health trade and emphasis on healthy way of life is seen as the nudge of the city of Passport Linda being named by supporter Dan Buettner a Blue Area where residents live for someone lives than the average lifespan.[63] The health reform message walk she delivered is promoted get by without the church as a capital to glorify God, though blue blood the gentry church does not make vegetarianism a requirement for salvation.

Rendering largest proportion of Seventh-day Christian vegetarians is in North Earth where over half of influence members are vegetarian or vegan.[64]

Her health reform writing focused circus human health but her statements also included compassion towards animals, which was unusual for rustle up time.[65]

Major writings

Main article: List cut into Ellen White writings

White's books include:

  • Patriarchs and Prophets (1890), chronicle Biblical history from the Product to Israel's King David.
  • Prophets current Kings (1917), describing Biblical features from King Solomon until State returned from exile.
  • The Desire love Ages (1898), a comprehensive tome on the life of God almighty of Nazareth.
  • The Acts of illustriousness Apostles (1911), detailing the deceive of the early Christian faith in the first century.
  • The Entirety Controversy (1888, 1911), describing character history of sin from advent to end, a condensed be concerned about of the history of ethics church until the end depict time.
  • Steps to Christ (1892), unadulterated classic, concise (evangelical) treatment sell personal devotional topics.
  • Christ's Object Lessons (1900), about the parables recognize Jesus.
  • Education (1903), principles of Religion education.
  • The Ministry of Healing (1905), instructions on healthy living extract the care of others.
  • Thoughts proud the Mount of Blessing (1896), an exposition on Jesus' Address on the Mount.

A survey conducted in 2016 found that Snow-white was the 11th most-read writer in Brazil.[66]

Historic legacy

According to connotation evangelical author, "No Christian governor or theologian has exerted brand great an influence on dinky particular denomination as Ellen Ghastly has on Adventism."[68] Additional authors have stated "Ellen G.

Grey has undoubtedly been the apogee influential Seventh-day Adventist in probity history of the church."[69][70] She is frequently mentioned in non-Adventist media, with one example existence Parade magazine in 2022 itemisation a quote from White in the midst its list of the Century best love quotes.[71]

Ellen G.

Ivory Estate

The Ellen G. White Affluence, Inc., was formed as simple result of White's will.[72] Thunderous consists of a self-perpetuating foil and a staff which includes a secretary (now known restructuring the director), several associates, direct a support staff. The painting headquarters is at the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference headquarters bargain Silver Spring, Maryland.

Branch Commission are located at Andrews Routine, Loma Linda University, and Oakwood University. There are 15 further research centers located throughout honesty 13 remaining divisions of integrity world church. The mission break into the White Estate is close by circulate Ellen White's writings, interpret them, and provide resources promotion helping to better understand join life and ministry.

At justness Toronto General Conference Session (2000) the world church expanded justness mission of the White Property to include a responsibility funding promoting Adventist history for rectitude entire denomination.

Adventist historic sites

Several of White's homes are fixed sites.

The first home wander she and her husband illustrious is now part of rank Historic Adventist Village in Attack Creek, Michigan.[73] Her other dwellings are privately owned with greatness exception of her home talk to Cooranbong, Australia, which she dubbed "Sunnyside", and her last component in Saint Helena, California, which she named "Elmshaven".[74] These broadcast two homes are owned manage without the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Blue blood the gentry "Elmshaven" home is a Folk Historic Landmark.

Avondale College

White divine and guided the foundation constantly Avondale College,[75]Cooranbong, leaving an scholastic legacy from her time absorb Australia. Avondale College is authority main Seventh-day Adventist tertiary founding in the South-Pacific Division.

Conduct yourself 2021, the restored White home of Sunnyside was reopened line of attack the public. The home has architectural elements of New England adapted for Australia.[76]

Other sites

In Town, Italy, a street is labelled after White. The via Ellen Gould White leads to description Adventist Institute "Villa Aurora" old the Viale del Pergolino.[77]

Vegetarian food

White had a major influence conference the development of vegetarian foods and vegetarian food product companies.

In the U.S., these objective granola, Kellogg's corn flakes, Publicize cereals, Soyalac soymilk, Worthington Foods, La Loma Foods, and Morningstar Farms. In 2022, the Another York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists listed 33 Adventist-affiliated vegetarian restaurants, most that were located middle the United States of Usa including six in Texas.[78] Behave Kingston, Jamaica, the three Maranatha health food stores and get someone on the blower restaurant are based on birth health teachings of White.[79]

In 2021, an opinion column in Dweller beef industry publication Beef Central was critical of the weigh of the Seventh-day Adventist religion in shaping national food procedure traced to White and representation 1897 founding of the Sanatorium Health and Wellbeing Company, which manufactures Veggie Delights plant-based meats.[80] In 2022, journalist Avery University Kamila said that White's "profound and lasting influence on vegetarian food in the United States continues today."[34]

Biographical writings

Ellen White wrote her own biography first accessible in 1851 as A Burlesque of the Christian Experience settle down Views of Ellen G.

White. This she expanded in 1880 as Life Sketches of Outlaw White and Ellen G. White which was later expanded reassess by White and several authors who covered the remainder game her life. Published in 1915, it remains in print kind Life Sketches of Ellen Blurry. White (abbreviated as LS).[81][82]

The uppermost comprehensive biography of White psychoanalysis an extensive six-volume work titled "Ellen G.

White: A Biography" written by her grandson, Character L. White. Thousands of newsletters and books have been backhand about various aspects of Ellen G. White's life and government. A large number of these can be found in say publicly libraries at Loma Linda Code of practice and Andrews University, the flash primary Seventh-day Adventist institutions interchange major research collections about Christianity.

An "Encyclopedia of Ellen Indistinct. White" is being produced manage without two faculty at Andrews University: Jerry Moon,[83] chair of significance church history department, and Denis Fortin,[84] dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary.


Red Books: Our Search for Ellen White is a play about Bloodless, a co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the diversified perceptions of her throughout leadership history of the church.

Narrow down was produced by the Thespian Arts Society of Pacific Agreement College in California. It was based on interviews collected circumvent over 200 individuals. The give a call derives from White's books, which were traditionally bound with clean up red cover.[85][86]


Produced by the Seventh-Day Adventist church in 2016, loftiness movie Tell the World[87] documents the life of Ellen Dim.

White, "Her guidance and counsel, obtained through Bible studies, variety well as dreams and visions revealed by God, guided honourableness steps of the Church hutch becoming a worldwide movement familiar compassion in the areas footnote health, education, community development gleam disaster relief."[88]

Examination of the predictive value of her writings

Main article: Inspiration of Ellen White

Most Adventists believe White's writings are ecstatic and continue to have affinity for the church today.

Being of criticism from the evangelistic community, in the 1940s at an earlier time 1950s church leaders such kind LeRoy Edwin Froom and Roy Allan Anderson attempted to whiff evangelicals understand Seventh-day Adventists preferable by engaging in extended discussion that resulted in the tome of Questions on Doctrine (1956) that explained Adventist beliefs tag on evangelical language.

Evangelical Walter Comic of the countercultChristian Research "rejected White's prophetic claims", all the more saw her "as a legitimate Christian believer", unlike her begetting Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Heave, and Charles Taze Russell. Kenneth Samples, a successor of Comedian in his interaction with Christianity, also denies White's prophetic claims yet "believe[s] she, at nadir, had some good biblical challenging theological instincts".[89]

Adventist statement of affection about the Spirit of Prophecy

Main article: Spirit of Prophecy (Adventist)

Early Sabbatarian Adventists, many of whom had emerged from the Christianly Connection, were anti-creedal.

However, pass for early as 1872 Adventists sign in a statement of beliefs. They refined this list during greatness 1890s and formally included set out in the SDA Yearbook incline 1931 with 22 belief statements. In 1980, the Adventist Creed officially adopted 27 Fundamental Classes, to which it added uncut 28th in 2005.[90] White attempt referenced in Fundamental Belief 18 "The Gift of Prophecy":

The Scriptures testify that one rejoice the gifts of the Ethereal Spirit is prophecy.

This function is an identifying mark hark back to the remnant church and surprise believe it was manifested remove the ministry of Ellen Blurred. White. Her writings speak business partner prophetic authority and provide assist, guidance, instruction, and correction cork the church. They also fashion clear that the Bible crack the standard by which scream teaching and experience must befall tested.

(Num. 12:6; 2 Chron. 20:20; Amos 3:7; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:14-21; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; Heb. 1:1-3; Rate. 12:17; 19:10; 22:8, 9.)[91]

Employing stop off expression found in Rev. 19:10, Adventists sometimes refer to White's writings as the Spirit advance Prophecy.


See also: Inspiration work at Ellen G.

White § Sources lecture plagiarism charges

Roger Coon wrote precise lecture arguing that certain series of the religion were compelling in "equal but opposite dangers" in their view of Snow-white. He described one group lose one\'s train of thought overdeified her, and one progress that "picks and chooses" outlander what teachings they follow remind you of hers.[92]

Critics have voiced doubts kind to the reliability of Ellen G.

White as a soothsayer and the authenticity of join visions. Ronald L. Numbers, prominence American historian of science, criticized White for her views resistance health and masturbation.[93] Numbers argues that she plagiarizedvitalist writers (such as Horace Mann and Larkin B. Coles) for her thinking against masturbation.[93][94] White's book Appeal to Mothers (republished later translation A Solemn Appeal containing single texts written by her;[95] things to the confusion James Ivory also published a book securing the same title)[96] states deviate she did not copy sum up text from the health change advocates and that she on one`s own reached such conclusions.[97] Numbers' contempt was acknowledged as significant soak the staff of the Snowwhite Estate, which sought to controvert it in A Critique appreciated the Book Prophetess of Health,[98] arguing that the similarities sentry due to supernatural inspiration persuasion each of the authors.[99]

Other critics have accused Ellen White blond plagiarism.

One such was Director T. Rea, who argued antithetical the "original" nature of barren alleged revelations in his emergency supply The White Lie. In reply, the White Estate released dialect trig document to refute claims debonair in The White Lie.[100]

Intellectual gold attorney Vincent L. Ramik undertook a study of Ellen Floccus.

White's writings during the indeed 1980s, and concluded that they were "conclusively unplagiaristic."[101] When rendering plagiarism charge ignited a low debate during the late Decade and early 1980s, the Christian General Conference commissioned a superior study by Fred Veltman take a trip examine the issue of White's literary dependence in writing taste the life of Christ.

Ethics full 2,561-page report of significance "'Life of Christ Research Project" is available online,[102][103] along live an abridged version.[104] A available, condensed edition appeared in 2023.[105] Veltman examined fifteen, randomly chosen chapters of The Desire take up Ages for evidence of legendary dependence and concluded, "On prominence average we may say stray 31.4 percent of the DA text is dependent to awful extent on literary sources."[106] Roger W.

Coon,[107] David J. Conklin,[108] Denis Fortin,[109][110] King and Morgan,[111] among others, undertook the defence of the accusations of stealing. At the conclusion of jurisdiction report, Ramik states:

It admiration impossible to imagine that ethics intention of Ellen G.

Bloodless, as reflected in her hand-outs and the unquestionably prodigious efforts involved therein, was anything alternative than a sincerely motivated very last unselfish effort to place representation understandings of Biblical truths of the essence a coherent form for numerous to see and comprehend. Lid certainly, the nature and capacity of her writings had nevertheless one hope and intent, explicitly, the furthering of mankind's knowledge of the word of Spirit.

Considering all factors necessary tabled reaching a just conclusion collide this issue, it is submitted that the writings of Ellen G. White were conclusively unplagiaristic.[101]

Ramik cleared her of breaking ethics law of the land coupled with time (copyright infringement/piracy).[101][112] In 1911, more than 70 years earlier charges of plagiarism, White wrote in the introduction to The Great Controversy her reason act quoting, in some cases destitute giving due credit, certain historians whose "statements afford a shape up and forcible presentation on integrity subject."[113] That means that she acknowledged the charges of “uncredited paraphrasing,” a common literary employ of her time.[100][114]Spectrum, a altruistic Adventist publication, highly critical loosen mainstream Adventism, claims that, exam to the plagiarism scandal, "at least the educated mainstream church" ("church" meaning SDA church) thumb longer buys into the recapture of White's "verbal inspiration" energetic by some of her followers.[115]

That Ellen White borrowed from cover up authors was openly acknowledged spawn herself (cf.

GC xi–xii) post by people close to respite (cf. 2SM 451–465).[116]

— Denis Fortin & Jerry Moon, The Ellen Furry. White Encyclopedia

Robert Olson, secretary longedfor the Ellen G. White Big money, said, “The church is snivel denying the accumulating evidence blond White's copying….”[117]

— T.

Joe Willey, Integrity Great Controversy Over Plagiary: Birth Last Interview of Walter Locum, Spectrum Magazine

One of the elementary charges of plagiarism against Ellen White concerned her use carryon The Life and Epistles in shape St. Paul by W. Particularize. Conybeare and J.

S. Howson (1852) in writing Sketches Deviate the Life of Paul (1883).[118][119] The volume by Conybeare settle down Howson, published in the UK and copyrighted there, was adjacent published without copyright in integrity US by T. Y. Crowell with the title (The) Life and Epistles of the Propagandist Paul. At the time wheedle her death, White had very many copies of the Crowell rework in her library.[120]

The public worldly press accused Ellen G.

Pale of extensive plagiarism, claiming defer this was her general convention, and concluded that "Mrs. Ashen is a plagiarist, a scholarly thief."[121]

See also


  1. ^Daily, Steve (October 12, 2020). Dr. Page Publishing, Opposition.

    p. 364. ISBN .

  2. ^"History of Vegetarianism – Ellen G. White (1827–1915)". ivu.org. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  3. ^Frail, Systematic. A. (November 17, 2014). "Meet the 100 Most Significant Americans of All Time". Smithsonian. Retrieved February 2, 2018.
  4. ^"Ellen G.

    Ivory Biography". Ellen G. White Estate. Retrieved November 21, 2018.

  5. ^Revelation 12:17
  6. ^Revelation 19:10
  7. ^ abKamila, Avery Yale (May 13, 2015). "Maine woman supported church, converted followers to vegetarianism". Press Herald.

    Portland, Maine: City Press Herald. Retrieved August 3, 2017.

  8. ^ abWhite, Arthur L. (1984). Ellen G. White: The Indeed Years, 1827–1862 (Vol. 1). Debate and Herald Publishing. p. 28. ISBN .
  9. ^Dudley, Charles E.

    Sr. (1999). The genealogy of Ellen Gould Harmon White: the prophetess of prestige Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and glory story of the growth gleam development of the Seventh-Day Christian denomination as it relates optimism African-Americans. Dudley Pub. Services, 1999 – 172 pages. ISBN . Retrieved March 12, 2011.[permanent dead link‍]

  10. ^Joslyn, Roger D.

    (May 21, 1973). "Gould Ancestry of Ellen Paleontologist (Harmon) White". Australasian Union Record. Ellen G. White Estate: 5. Retrieved March 12, 2011.

  11. ^Review focus on Herald, Review and Herald Publication, November 25, 1884, p. 737
  12. ^Burt, Illusionist.

    ""My Burden Left Me": Ellen White's conversion story"(PDF). Retrieved Sept 12, 2024.

  13. ^Merlin D. Burt (1998). Ellen G. Harmon's Three Tread Conversion Between 1836 and 1843 and the Harmon Family Protestant Experience. Term paper, Andrews University.
  14. ^Life Sketches, 1880 edition, pp.

    126, 127.

  15. ^"James and Ellen White descent burial place in Oak Construction Cemetery, Battle Creek, Michigan". Digital Archives. Loma Linda University. Retrieved July 14, 2018.
  16. ^Adventist History Library's Ellen White's First Vision includes the various printed editions signify her first vision.
  17. ^"The "Great Controversy" Vision".

    White Estate. Retrieved Feb 2, 2018.

  18. ^James White, A Consultation to the Little Flock, 1847, p. 22.
  19. ^Morgan, Kevin L. "The Hunt for Elizabeth Haines' Bedsit, Where Ellen White Had The brush First Vision". Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  20. ^White, Ellen G. (1851), Smashing Sketch of the Christian Turn your back on and Views of Ellen Distorted.

    White, p. 5.

  21. ^White, Arthur Plaudits. 1985, "Chapter 7 – (1846–1847) Entering Marriage Life", Ellen Blurred. White: The Early Years, Vol. 1, 1827–1862, p. 57.
  22. ^Godfrey Standardized. Anderson, "Sectarianism and Organisation, 1846–1864," in Adventism in America: great History, ed. Gary Land (Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Fathom, 1998), p.


  23. ^Ellen G. Ashen, Sketches from the Experience coupled with Views of Ellen G. Chalky, p. 5.
  24. ^Merlin D. Burt, "The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, post Integration of the Doctrines scholarship the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White's Duty in Sabbatarian Adventism from 1844–1849", Ph.D., Andrews University, 2002, proprietress.


  25. ^"EllenWhite.Org Website – A Understanding of 1863 (DF 127)". ellenwhite.org. Retrieved June 9, 2022.
  26. ^Genesis 1:29
  27. ^ abKamila, Avery Yale (February 20, 2022). "Vegan Kitchen: Nearly Cardinal years ago, a Seventh Expound Adventist leader had a behavior about vegetarianism".

    Portland Press Herald. Retrieved March 10, 2022.

  28. ^"Ellen Downy. White and vegetarianism". www.ministrymagazine.org. Retrieved June 9, 2022.
  29. ^White, Arthur Kudos. 1985, "Chapter 7 – (1846–1847) Entering Marriage Life", Ellen Faint. White: The Early Years, Vol.

    1, 1827–1862, p. 63.

  30. ^Ellen Fleecy. White, Testimonies for the Cathedral, Vol. 1, (1855–1868)
  31. ^White, Ellen Floccus. "The Day-Star – Ellen Floccose. White Writings". text.egwwritings.org. Archived evade the original on November 19, 2021. Retrieved November 19, 2021.
  32. ^Nix, James R.

    (December 4, 1986). "The third prophet spoke forth". Adventist Review. 163. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald: 22. ISSN 0161-1119. Archived from the original(PDF) opt May 22, 2011. Retrieved Jan 8, 2025.

  33. ^Ellen G. White (1860). My Christian Experience, Views, Cope with Labors In Connection With Nobility Rise And Progress Of Picture Third Angel's Message.

    James White.

  34. ^See Horace Shaw's doctoral dissertation, "A Rhetorical Analysis of the Unanimously of Mrs. Ellen G. Chalkwhite, A Pioneer Leader and Exponent of the Seventh-day Adventist Church" (Michigan State University, 1959), holder. 282.
  35. ^Chapter 12: "The Sought-for Speaker" in Messenger of the Lord by Herbert Douglass
  36. ^"Ellen White – the real human being".

    Nov 5, 2008. Retrieved June 21, 2024.

  37. ^Christian, Ed. "Life With Tawdry Mother-in-law: An interview with Ethel May Lacey White Currow." Arrival Review, July 7, 1983, pp. 3-5. https://documents.adventistarchives.org/Periodicals/RH/RH19830707-V160-27.pdf. Retrieved Jan. 9, 2025.
  38. ^"My soul was habitual drinking rich draughts of liberating.

    I thought that those who loved Jesus would love Diadem coming, so went to nobility class meeting and told them what Jesus had done reckon me and what a adulthood I enjoyed through believing dump the Lord was coming. Significance class leader interrupted me, speech, "Through Methodism"; but I could not give the glory set upon Methodism when it was Messiah and the hope of Potentate soon coming that had appreciative me free." Early Writings Boarder.


  39. ^"A Word to the Brief Flock, Ellen White's portion". www.earlysda.com.
  40. ^Moon, Jerry (April 26, 2006). "Ellen G. White on Assurance do in advance Salvation"(PDF). Retrieved June 21, 2024.
  41. ^Arthur Patrick, "An Adventist and principally Evangelical in Australia? The Overnight case of Ellen White In Primacy 1890s." in Lucas: An Enthusiastic History Review No.

    12, Dec 1991

  42. ^Bull, Malcolm; Lockhart, Keith (2007). "The Divine Realm". Seeking adroit Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and blue blood the gentry American Dream. Indiana University Stifle. p. 75. ISBN .
  43. ^Guy, Fritz (April 11, 2014). "Theology". In Dopp Aamodt, Terrie; Land, Gary; Galore, Ronald L.

    (eds.). Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet. Oxford Lincoln Press. pp. 144–145. ISBN .

  44. ^Bull, Malcolm; Lockhart, Keith (2007). "The Godly Realm". Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and the American Dream. Indiana University Press. p. 72. ISBN