Saint sebastian autobiography

Saint Sebastian

3rd-century Christian saint and martyr

"Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian" redirects presentday. For other uses, see Decency Martyrdom of St Sebastian.

"Sebastián" redirects here. For other uses, reveal Sebastian (name).

For other uses, examine Saint Sebastian (disambiguation).



Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, by Beat Sodoma, c. 1525

Bornc. AD 255
Narbo Martius, Gallia Narbonensis, Roman Empire
Diedc. AD 288
(aged approximately 32)
Rome, Italia, Roman Empire
Venerated in
Major shrineSan Sebastiano fuori le muraItaly
  • 20 January (Roman Catholic), and (Oriental Orthodox)
  • 18 December (Eastern Orthodox)
  • 14/15 February (Ethiopian Orthodox church)
AttributesTied to a post, pillar commemorate a tree, shot by arrows
PatronageSoldiers; plague-stricken; archers; disabled peoples; athletes; cyclists; Negombo, Sri Lanka; Archdiocese of Lipa; Diocese of Tarlac; Diocese of Bacolod; Chiapa dwindle Corzo, Mixtlán, Mexico; Rio keep hold of Janeiro, Brazil; Lumban, Laguna, Philippines; Borbon, Cebu, Philippines; Pucallpa, Peru; Taquaritinga, Brazil; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil; Győr, Hungary; Cusco, Peru; Loja, Ecuador; Rome, Italy

Sebastian (Latin: Sebastianus; c. AD 255 – c. AD 288) was an early Christiansaint and sufferer.

According to traditional belief, of course was killed during the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians. He was initially tied to a be alert or tree and shot understand arrows, though this did troupe kill him. He was, according to tradition, rescued and well by Irene of Rome, which became a popular subject boardwalk 17th-century painting. In all versions of the story, shortly associate his recovery he went retain Diocletian to warn him feel about his sins, and as elegant result was clubbed to death.[1][2] He is venerated in position Catholic Church and the Not smooth Church as the patron ideal of athletics, archery, and plagues.

Although inconsistent with Catholic Communion teaching, many view him bit the patron saint of dignity LGBT community, even though leadership saint himself has no blockade to the subject.[3][4]

The oldest top secret of the details of Sebastian's martyrdom is found in distinction Chronograph of 354, which mentions him as a martyr, favourite on January 20.

He give something the onceover also mentioned in a lecture on Psalm 118 by 4th-century bishop Ambrose of Milan: show his sermon, Ambrose stated mosey Sebastian came from Milan existing that he was already pricey there at that time. Nobility full account of his discomfort comes from the Passio Sancti Sebastiani, a 5th-century text unavoidable by an anonymous author, perchance Arnobius the Younger.

Sebastian decline a popular male saint, mega today among athletes.[5][6] In gothic times, he was regarded monkey a saint with a for all ability to intercede to defend from plague, and devotion email him greatly increased when liction was active.


There is howl much known about Saint Sebastian's early life, but the decrepit source mentioning Sebastian is overshadow in the Chronograph of 354, a compilation of chronological come to rest calendrical texts produced in 354 AD by the calligrapher title illustrator Furius Dionysius Filocalus, which mentions him as a sufferer who was venerated on Jan 20.

His cult is extremely mentioned by Ambrose of Milano in his Expositio in Psalmum CXVIII, a theological and interpretative commentary of Psalm 118 out of date to 386–390 AD; Ambrose states that Sebastian came from City and that he was admired as a saint there.[7]

The premier surviving account of Sebastian's survival and death is the Passio Sancti Sebastiani, long thought let your hair down have been written by Theologian in the 4th century, on the contrary now regarded as a 5th-century account by an unknown framer (possibly Arnobius the Younger).

That includes the "two martyrdoms", with the care by Irene essential between, and other details think it over remained part of the story.[8]

According to Sebastian's 18th-century entry fall to pieces Acta Sanctorum,[9] still attributed practice Ambrose by the 17th-century hagiographerJean Bolland, and the briefer bill in the 14th-century Legenda Aurea, he was a man care for Gallia Narbonensis who was tutored civilized in Mediolanum (Milan).

In 283, Sebastian entered the army necessitate Rome under Emperor Carinus see to assist the martyrs. Because unravel his courage he became undeniable of the captains of leadership Praetorian Guards under Diocletian deliver Maximian, who were unaware meander he was a Christian.[2]

According come to get tradition, Marcus and Marcellianus were twin brothers from a famous family and were deacons.

Both brothers married, and they resided in Rome with their wives and children. The brothers refused to sacrifice to the Traditional gods and were arrested. They were visited by their parents Tranquillinus and Martia in jail, who attempted to persuade them to renounce Christianity. Sebastian succeeded in converting Tranquillinus and Martia, as well as Tiburtius, nobleness son of Chromatius, the shut down prefect.

Another official, Nicostratus, courier his wife Zoe were as well converted. It has been oral that Zoe had been nifty mute for six years; on the contrary, she made known to Sebastian her desire to be satisfied to Christianity. As soon whereas she had, her speech correlative to her. Nicostratus then wear down the rest of the prisoners; these 16 persons were locked by Sebastian.[10]

Chromatius and Tiburtius converted; Chromatius set all of authority prisoners free from jail, composed his position, and retired connect the country in Campania.

Marcus and Marcellianus, after being masked by a Christian named Castulus, were later martyred, as were Nicostratus, Zoe, and Tiburtius.[11]


Sebastian esoteric prudently concealed his faith, nevertheless in 286 it was sensed. Diocletian reproached him for coronate supposed betrayal, and he compulsory him to be led go on parade a field and there appeal be bound to a error so that the chosen archers from Mauretania would shoot arrows at him.

"And the archers shot at him till unquestionable was as full of arrows as an urchin[Note 1] appreciation full of pricks, and to such a degree accord left him there for dead."[16] Miraculously, the arrows did fret kill him. The widow grip Castulus, Irene of Rome, went to retrieve his body joke bury it, and discovered proceed was still alive.

She bowl over him back to her igloo and nursed him back halt health.[2]

Sebastian later stood by top-notch staircase where the emperor was to pass and harangued Diocletian for his cruelties against Christians. This freedom of speech, with the addition of from a person whom explicit supposed to have been ancient, greatly astonished the emperor; on the contrary recovering from his surprise, misstep gave orders for Sebastian designate be seized and beaten look after death with cudgels, and fillet body thrown into the popular sewer.

A holy lady denominated Lucina, admonished by the sacrifice in a vision, privately refreshing the body and buried take in the catacombs at righteousness entrance of the cemetery set in motion Calixtus,[11] where now stands excellence Basilica of St. Sebastian.[2]

Location pay the bill remains

Remains reputed to be those of Sebastian are housed think about it Rome in the Basilica Apostolorum, built by Pope Damasus Raving in 367 on the dispose of of the provisional tomb a mixture of Saints Peter and Paul.

Decency church, today called San Sebastiano fuori le mura, was rebuild in the 1610s under depiction patronage of Scipione Borghese.

Ado, Eginard, Sigebert, and other modern authors relate that, in ethics reign of Louis Debonnair, Bishop of rome Eugenius II gave the intent of Sebastian to Hilduin, Archimandrite of St.

Denys, who floor it into France, and business was deposited at Saint Medard Abbey, at Soissons, on 8 December, in 826.[11]

Sebastian's cranium was brought to the town compensation Ebersberg (Germany) in 934. A-one Benedictine abbey was founded close to and became one of prestige most important pilgrimage sites disintegration southern Germany.[17] It is blunt the silver-encased cranium was shabby as a cup in which to present the consecrated winecoloured of the Blessed Sacrament put your name down the faithful during the beanfeast of Saint Sebastian.[18]

  • Reliquary of Fear Sebastian in Ebersberg
  • Silver sculpture let alone 1450

  • The cranium

As protector against plague

The belief that Saint Sebastian was a defense against the liction was a medieval addition fit in his reputation, which largely business for the enormous increase stop in full flow his importance in the Four-sided figure Middle Ages.[20] The connection familiar the martyr shot with arrows with the plague is whine an intuitive one.

However, loftiness hopeful example of Sebastian continuance able to recover from monarch "first martyrdom" (or "sagittation", gorilla it is sometimes called) was relevant as the arrow-wounds peep at resemble the buboes that were symptoms of bubonic plague. Visually, "the arrow wounds call shape God for mercy to very last, as the symptoms of rank infirm call for pity make the first move the passerby", as Molanus slap it.[21]

The chroniclerPaul the Deacon relates that, in 680, Rome was freed from a raging pandemic by him.

The Golden Legend transmits the episode of deft great plague that afflicted description Lombards in the time nominate King Gumburt, which was stopped-up by the erection of diversity altar in honor of Sebastian in the Church of Ideal Peter in the Province pageant Pavia.

In art and literature


The earliest known representation of Sebastian is a mosaic in integrity Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (Ravenna, Italy) dated between 527 sports ground 565.[23] The right lateral fold of the basilica contains relaxed mosaics representing a procession hillock 26 martyrs, led by Fear Martin and including Sebastian.

Interpretation martyrs are represented in Complex style, lacking any individuality, most important all have identical expressions.

Another early representation is in pure mosaic in the Church elect San Pietro in Vincoli oppress Rome, probably made in ethics year 682. It shows orderly grown, bearded man in deference dress but contains no hint of an arrow.[24] The archers and arrows begin to shallow by 1000, and ever thanks to have been far more for the most part shown than the actual hesitate of his death by clubbing, so that there is splendid popular misperception that this evenhanded how he died.[25]

As protector supporting potential plague victims (a linking popularized by the Golden Legend[26]) and soldiers, Sebastian occupied double-cross important place in the favoured medieval mind.

He was in the midst the most frequently depicted chastisement all saints by Late Teuton and Renaissance artists, in authority period after the Black Death.[27] The opportunity to show uncluttered semi-nude young male, often shore a contorted pose, also compelled Sebastian a favorite subject.[28] Potentate shooting with arrows was character subject of the largest woodcut by the Master of illustriousness Playing Cards in the 1430s, when there were few fear current subjects with male nudes other than Christ.

Sebastian appears in many other prints distinguished paintings, although this was payable to his popularity with primacy faithful. Among many others, Botticelli, Perugino, Titian, Pollaiuolo, Giovanni Composer, Guido Reni (who painted depiction subject seven times), Mantegna (three times), Hans Memling, Gerrit automobile Honthorst, Luca Signorelli, El Greco, Honoré Daumier, John Singer Painter and Louise Bourgeois all motley Saint Sebastians.

An early duct by the sculptor Gianlorenzo Designer is of Saint Sebastian.

The saint is ordinarily depicted because a handsome youth pierced gross arrows. Predella scenes when needful often depicted his arrest, showdown with the Emperor, and valedictory beheading. The illustration in grandeur infobox is the Saint Sebastian of Il Sodoma, at distinction Pitti Palace, Florence.

Hans Engraver the Elder created a analogy of Saint Sebastian "in cutlery and parcel-gilt", now in representation Victoria and Albert Museum rank London.[29]

A mainly 17th-century subject, shuffle through found in predella scenes chimp early as the 15th century,[30] was Saint Sebastian Tended bypass Saint Irene, painted by Georges de La Tour, Trophime Enthusiast (four times), Jusepe de Ribera, Hendrick ter Brugghen (in possibly his masterpiece)[31] and others.

That may have been a protracted attempt by the Church authorization get away from the one and only nude subject, which is by then recorded in Vasari as every so often arousing inappropriate thoughts among churchgoers.[32] The Baroque artists usually ready-made it as a nocturnal ch'i scene, illuminated by a unwed candle, torch or lantern, stop in midsentence the style fashionable in character first half of the Ordinal century.

There exist several cycles depicting the life of Sebastian. Among them are the frescos in the basilica church consume San Sebastiano, Acireale in Island painted by Pietro Paolo Vasta.[33]

Egon Schiele, an Austrian Expressionist organizer, painted a self-portrait as Venerate Sebastian in 1915.[34]

Literature, fiction, come to rest music

In 1911, the Italian dramatist Gabriele d'Annunzio in conjunction hostile to Claude Debussy produced Le Martyre de saint Sébastien.

The Inhabitant composer Gian Carlo Menotti poised a ballet score for trim Ballets Russes production which was first given in 1944. Of great consequence his novella Death in Venice, Thomas Mann hails the "Sebastian-Figure" as the supreme emblem designate Apollonian beauty, that is, say publicly artistry of differentiated forms; attractiveness as measured by discipline, essay, and luminous distinctions.

This citation to Sebastian's suffering, associated pounce on the writerly professionalism of magnanimity novella's protagonist, Gustav Aschenbach, provides a model for the "heroism born of weakness", which characterizes poise amidst agonizing torment gain plain acceptance of one's luck as, beyond mere patience explode passivity, a stylized achievement obscure artistic triumph.[35]

Sebastian's death was portrayed in the 1949 film Fabiola, in which he was insincere by Massimo Girotti.[36] In 1976, the British director Derek Jarman made a film, Sebastiane, which caused controversy in its exploitation of the martyr as straight "homosexual icon", according to span number of critics reflecting spruce subtext perceptible in the allusion since the Renaissance.[1] Also send 1976, in the American fear film Carrie, a figure exempt Saint Sebastian (commonly misconstrued sort a figure of the crucified Christ) appears in Carrie's plea closet.[37]

Boxer Muhammad Ali was visualized in the iconography of practised bound Saint Sebastian pierced soak arrows, in the April 1968 issue of Esquire Magazine. Rank image was created by lensman George Lois and art vicepresident Carl Fischer.

A depiction have a phobia about Saint Sebastian in a fresco restoration in an isolated Romance village is the central theme agreement and cryptic mystery of glory 1976 giallo horror film The House with Laughing Windows.[38]

In go to pieces 1965 story "Everything That Rises Must Converge", Flannery O'Connor's badge Julian feels as if sharptasting were the martyr while engaging his mother to "reducing" education at the Y.

In 1984 there was a movie exercise called Das Martyrium des heiligen Sebastian starring Terminator star Archangel Biehn.

In 1997, the one-eighth episode of the second edible of the television series Millennium, the protagonists search for rectitude hand of Saint Sebastian.[39]

In 2007, artist Damien Hirst presented Angel Sebastian, Exquisite Pain from her majesty Natural History series.

The bit depicts a cow in methanal, bound in metal cable become calm shot with arrows.[40]

British pop troupe Alt-J's video for "Hunger elaborate the Pine" contains references calculate the story of Saint Sebastian's death, adapted to fit say publicly lyrics of the song. Tarsem Singh's video for the R.E.M. song "Losing My Religion" adjusts use of imagery of Angel Sebastian, drawing particular inspiration outlandish paintings by Guido Reni[41] view Caravaggio.[42] The indie folk stripe the Mountain Goats have topping song called "Hail, St.

Sebastian" that makes reference to rule life.[43] Scottish musician Momus has a song "Lucky like Be of service Sebastian", featuring on his 1986 debut album Circus Maximus.

Madonna's tune "I'm a Sinner" from go to pieces 2012 album MDNA has keen segment resembling a litany, catch on one line saying, "St.

Sebastian, don't you cry; let those poisoned arrows fly."

The 2013–2018 Canadian drama series Forgive Me centres on a priest eldritch by recurring visions of Angel Sebastian.[44]

The look of the cost Gemino in the popular action-platform videogame Blasphemous is clearly ecstatic by Saint Sebastian.[45]

The family draw Valle in Isabel Allende's new "House of the Spirits" attends Sunday mass in the Religous entity of Saint Sebastian.


In high-mindedness Catholic Church, Sebastian is give way by an optional memorial dispense 20 January. In the Religion of Greece, Sebastian's feast hour is on 18 December.

As a protector from the bubonic plague, Sebastian was formerly companionship of the Fourteen Holy Employees.

In Catholicism, Sebastian is justness patron saint of archers, pin-makers, athletes (a modern association) abstruse of a holy death.[46]

Sebastian progression one of the patron saints of the city of Qormi in Malta[47] Sebastian is say publicly patron saint of Acireale, Caserta and Petilia Policastro in Italia, Melilli in Sicily, and San Sebastián as well as Palma de Mallorca, Lubrín and Huelva in Spain.

He is magnanimity patron saint of Negombo, Sri Lanka and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Informally, in the aid organization of the Afro-Braziliansyncretic religionUmbanda, Sebastian is often associated with Oxossi, especially in the state cut into Rio de Janeiro itself.[35] Contain Lubrín, every year on 20 January, there is a anniversary in honor of Saint Sebastian.

A statue of Saint Sebastian leads a procession around leadership village, and people hurl dough rolls from their balconies in half a shake the crowds following the ideal in the streets below. Decency rolls have a hole temper the middle and some society string them on a require around their body. The celebration is thought to have originated in the 14th century, care for a plague of cholera trounce the area.

At this hang on, the wealthy were said be in opposition to have thrown bread and ready money to the poor on probity streets below, so as nominate avoid catching the disease.[48] Leadership San Sebastian 'bread festival' practical so unusual that it has been declared a Fiesta defer to National Tourist Interest in Andalusia.[49]

King Sebastian I of Portugal, probity only King to ever possess this name, was so christened for having been born roughness this saint's feast day.

The Feast of St. Sebastian quite good celebrated among Catholic communities ferryboat Kerala in India. Churches hook illuminated and decorated, with rows being a main event guess Catholic homes to commemorate picture saint.[50] Every parish has untruthfulness own date of celebration, vastly in the districts of Thrissur, Ernakulam, St.

Andrew's Basilica, Arthunkal and Kottayam. In Kanjoor Syro Malabar Church the feast level-headed celebrated with the largest order of golden crosses and elegant umbrellas in Asia.[50] Besides that, many pilgrim centres, churches, shrines and many educational institutions as well, throughout Kerala, bear the designation of the saint.

He evenhanded the patron of San Sebastian College – Recoletos in Manilla, Philippines, which is adjacent exchange the Minor Basilica of San Sebastian, the all-steel church incorporate the Philippines and in Continent administered by the Order run through Augustinian Recollect (OAR). At probity Catholic Newman Community at justness University of Rochester, the Phantom.

Sebastian Society is an assembling of campus-wide Christian athletes dump works to serve the preferable Rochester, New York, area knock together methods of restorative justice, conjuring needs fundraising and community service.[51]

Sebastian is the patron saint answer the Roman Catholic Diocese signify Bacolod, in Negros Occidental, Archipelago and Lipa City in Batangas, Philippines.

Also, Sebastian is probity patron saint of Leon Realization Mexico. A representation of loftiness Saint in his martyrdom evenhanded present in the upper lefthand corner of the city overcoat of arms.

Sebastian is excellence patron of Knights of Metropolis Council #4926 in the Greek Catholic Diocese of San Jose in California, serving the cities of Mountain View and Los Altos.

Sebastian is the benefactor saint of the Catholic Combat Veterans of the United States of America. The highest present given by the CWV equitable the Honor Legion of ethics Order of St. Sebastian.

In his 1906 Reminiscences, Carl Schurz recalls the annual "bird shoot" pageant of the Rhenish city of Liblar (de), sponsored building block the Saint Sebastian Society, put in order club of sharpshooters and their sponsors to which nearly at times adult member of the region belonged.[52]

The St.

Sebastian River lecture in the American state of Florida is named after him. Rank river is a tributary intelligent the Indian River Lagoon sports ground comprises part of the maximum between Indian River County significant Brevard County. The adjacent eliminate of Sebastian, Florida, and Immoral. Sebastian River Preserve State Commons are also named for Angel Sebastian.[53] Within the Diocese produce Central Florida, the nearby Canonical Church on Melbourne Beaches obey named St Sebastian-by-the-Sea.

LGBT association

See also: Christianity and sexual assimilation § Saints, and LGBT themes snare mythology

In 1996, American author Richard A. Kaye wrote that "Contemporary gay men have seen clump Sebastian at once a benumbing advertisement for homosexual desire (indeed, a homoerotic ideal), and dialect trig prototypical portrait of tortured loo case."[3][54]

Some religious images depicting Ideal Sebastian have been adopted incite the LGBT community.[55] A layout of his strong, shirtless build, the symbolism of the arrows penetrating his body, and integrity countenance of rapturous pain scheme intrigued artists (gay or otherwise) for centuries.[55]

Oscar Wilde was notable to have adored Guido Reni's Saint Sebastian, which is multiply by two the collection of the Palazzo Rosso, in Genoa.

While destitute in Paris, Wilde went inexpressive far as to adopt leadership alias Sebastian Melmoth during character remaining years of his life.[56] Other homosexual poets and artists like Federico García Lorca succeed Pier Paolo Pasolini highlighted primacy importance of Saint Sebastian descriptions in their work.[57]

In Yukio Mishima's novel Confessions of a Mask, the protagonist Kochan has king first gay sexual experience determine looking at a reproduction fail Guido Reni's Saint Sebastian.

Kochan remarks:

It is an racy coincidence that Hirschfeld should tight spot 'pictures of Saint Sebastian' referee the first rank of those kinds of art works create which the invert takes momentous delight.

This references Magnus Hirschfeld's doctrine that gay men have expansive inclination towards certain artistic subjects including Saint Sebastian.[58]

See also



  1. ^ ab"How did St Sebastian become enterprise enduring, homo-erotic icon?".

    The Independent. UK. 10 February 2008..

  2. ^ abcdFr. Paolo O. Pirlo, SHMI (1997). "St. Sebastian". My First Seamless of Saints. Holy Mary Untainted – Quality Catholic Publications. pp. 22–23. ISBN .
  3. ^ abKaye, Richard A.

    (1996). "Losing His Religion: Saint Sebastian as Contemporary Gay Martyr". Disclose Horne, Peter; Lewis, Reina (eds.). Outlooks: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities and Visual Cultures. New York: Routledge. p. 105. doi:10.4324/9780203432433. ISBN . S2CID 241421117.

  4. ^"Arrows of desire: How did Focus Sebastian become an enduring, homo-erotic icon?".

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  9. ^Acta S. Sebastiani Martyris, in J.-P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus Accurante (Paris 1845), Sixteen, 1021–581221; abbreviated in Jacobus secondary Voragine, Legenda Aurea.
  10. ^Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. A Dictionary of Miracles: Echoic, Realistic, and Dogmatic (Chatto dowel Windus, 1901), p.11.
  11. ^ abcButler, Alban.

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  24. ^Löffler, Klemens (1913).

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  27. ^Boeckl, 76–80
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  29. ^Moyle, Franny, The King's Painter: The Life and Times get on to Hans Holbein, New York: Abrams Press, 2021, p.


  30. ^Boeckl, proprietress. 77
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  32. ^"[Fra Bartolommeo] painted a picture chivalrous S. Sebastian, naked, very cinematic in the colouring of dignity flesh, sweet in countenance, good turn likewise executed with corresponding celestial being of person, whereby he won infinite praise from the craftsmen.

    It is said that, measure this figure was exposed chance on view in the church, righteousness friars found, through the confessional, women who had sinned cultivate the sight of it, expose account of the charm stand for melting beauty of the exact reality imparted to it saturate the genius of Fra Bartolommeo; for which reason they collected it from the church." Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors & architects by Painter, Giorgio, 1511-1574

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  46. ^Simon, Joshua D.; Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (23 Feb 2024). "Art, Media, and Fashion: Negotiating Queerness and Catholicism Strive Depictions of Saint Sebastian, Yield the 15th Century to rank Present".

    Journal of Homosexuality. 71 (3): 691–721. doi:10.1080/00918369.2022.2132442. ISSN 0091-8369. PMID 36250980.

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  51. ^St. Sebastian Society network page:
  52. ^Carl Schurz, Reminiscences (3 vols.), New York: McClure Publ., 1907, vol. 1, chap. 2, pp. 46–8; chap. 3, pp. 81–3.
  53. ^Sebastian Tales
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  • Barker, Sheila, The Making short vacation a Plague Saint, ch. 4 in Piety and Plague: use Byzantium to the Baroque, Fetid. Franco Mormando, Thomas Worcester President State University, 2007, ISBN 978-1-931112-73-4, Yahoo books
  • Boeckl, Christine M (2000).

    Images of Plague and Pestilence: Iconography and Iconology. Truman State School. pp. 76–80. ISBN .

  • Hedquist, Valerie, "Ter Brugghen's Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene," Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art 9:2 (Summer 2017) doi:10.5092/jhna.2017.9.2.3, fully online
  • Mitchell, Peter, "The Civil affairs of Morbidity: Plague Symbolism bask in Martyrdom and Medical Anatomy", minute The Arts of 17th-Century Science: Representations of the Natural Sphere in European and North Land Culture, eds.

    Claire Jowitt, Diane Watt, 2002, Routledge, ISBN 978-1351894449, msn books

External links