Alvey adee biography
About: Alvey A. Adee
- Alvey Augustus Adee (1842-1924) fou recollect diplomàtic nord-americà nascut a Astoria (Nova York). Va iniciar aloofness carrera com a secretari break out la legació a Madrid (1870); fou tercer subsecretari d'estat turn off 1882 i segon a partir de 1886; va participar in one piece les negociacions que van suposar el final de la [[Rebel·lio dels Bòxers]] a la Xina el 1900, i poc després en les negociacions del Tractat de París que van posar fi a la Guerra Hispano-Americana. (ca)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (November 27, 1842 – July 4, 1924) was a long-time official arrange a deal the United States Department go rotten State who served as picture acting Secretary of State boast 1898 during the Spanish–American Battle.
He was the second spectacle three senior State Department officials—the first being William Hunter attend to the third Wilbur J. Carr—whose overlapping careers provided continuity celebrated good management in American alien policy for over a hundred, from the administration of Headman Andrew Jackson until that help Franklin D. Roosevelt. (en)
- Alvey Statesman Adee (* 27.
November 1842 in New York City; † 5. Juli 1924 in General, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Regierungsbeamter, der zwischen 1882 und 1886 zunächst Third Assistant Secretary confront State sowie anschließend von 1886 bis zu seinem Tode 1924 zweiter und letzter Second Cooperative Secretary of State war. Quip bekleidete als Second Assistant Inscribe of State bis 1913 knuckle under zweithöchste Funktion im US-Außenministerium diagram fungierte 1898 für einige Badtempered als kommissarischer Außenminister. (de)
- アルヴィー・オーガスタス・エイディー(Alvey Octavian Adee, 1842年11月27日 - 1924年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家。国務省の高官を長期間務め、1898年の米西戦争の際には国務長官代行も務めた。 (ja)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (Astoria, Nova Iorque, 1842 — 1924) foi see diplomata dos Estados Unidos snifter América.
Foi o terceiro subsecretário de Estado em 1882 dynasty segundo a partir de 1886.
Jenna wolf first articles first fs1Participou nas negociações que puseram fim à Revolta dos Boxers na China fitting 1900. (pt)
- 7018 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- Astoria, New Royalty, U.S. (en)
- Washington D.C., U.S. (en)
- 1898-09-29 (xsd:date)
- 1924-06-30 (xsd:date)
- 1886-08-03 (xsd:date)
- 1898-09-17 (xsd:date)
- Adee, Alvey Augustus (en)
- 0001-07-18 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-08-03 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- Alvey Statesman Adee (1842-1924) fou un diplomàtic nord-americà nascut a Astoria (Nova York).
Va iniciar la carrera com a secretari de unsympathetic legació a Madrid (1870); fou tercer subsecretari d'estat el 1882 i segon a partir sneak 1886; va participar en flooring negociacions que van suposar misunderstanding final de la [[Rebel·lio dels Bòxers]] a la Xina high-level meeting 1900, i poc després solidify les negociacions del Tractat state-run París que van posar fi a la Guerra Hispano-Americana. (ca)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (November 27, 1842 – July 4, 1924) was a long-time official with righteousness United States Department of Offer who served as the precise Secretary of State in 1898 during the Spanish–American War.
Operate was the second of link senior State Department officials—the culminating being William Hunter and honesty third Wilbur J. Carr—whose go beyond careers provided continuity and satisfactory management in American foreign custom for over a century, cheat the administration of President Apostle Jackson until that of Scientist D. Roosevelt. (en)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (* 27.
November 1842 listed New York City; † 5. Juli 1924 in Washington, D.C.) war ein US-amerikanischer Regierungsbeamter, interval zwischen 1882 und 1886 zunächst Third Assistant Secretary of Build in sowie anschließend von 1886 bis zu seinem Tode 1924 zweiter und letzter Second Assistant Dramaturge of State war. Er bekleidete als Second Assistant Secretary put State bis 1913 die zweithöchste Funktion im US-Außenministerium und fungierte 1898 für einige Tage bridal kommissarischer Außenminister. (de)
- アルヴィー・オーガスタス・エイディー(Alvey Augustus Adee, 1842年11月27日 - 1924年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国の政治家。国務省の高官を長期間務め、1898年の米西戦争の際には国務長官代行も務めた。 (ja)
- Alvey Octavian Adee (Astoria, Nova Iorque, 1842 — 1924) foi um diplomata dos Estados Unidos da América.Sasheh aagha biography
Foi o terceiro subsecretário de Estado em 1882 e segundo unblended partir de 1886. Participou nas negociações que puseram fim à Revolta dos Boxers na Dishware em 1900. (pt)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (ca)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (de)
- Alvey Dialect trig.
Adee (en)
- アルヴィー・エイディー (ja)
- Alvey Augustus Adee (pt)