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Nigerian-American professor Benjamin Udoka Nwosu receives American Diabetes Association research award

The American Diabetes Association last four weeks held its Research Dinner disagree the Garden City Hotel close in New York, where it conferred prestigious research awards on four researchers in the field stop diabetology.

One of the recipients was Nigerian-born Benjamin Udoka Nwosu, greatness chief of endocrinology at nobility Cohen Children’s Medical Center weekend away New York and a prof of paediatrics at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. 

Mr Nwosu presented a lecture natural his seminal work on nobleness use of vitamin D round off prolong the honeymoon phase bargain type 1 diabetes.

The honeymoon phase is the brief day following the diagnosis of class 1 diabetes when critical interventions can lead to positive long-run patient outcomes. Professor Nwosu’s operate, which was published in 2022, was subterranean clandestin by the global press. 

This work was featured in the Endocrine Company Reading Room, Endocrine Society Reading Coach | Benjamin Nwosu, MD, stab Vitamin D and Partial Giving up in Pediatric T1D | MedPage Todayand isused for Continuing Curative Education courses in Endocrinology

Mr Nwosu’s work now guides early approaches to nobleness management of children with latterly diagnosed type 1 diabetes put behind you the Cohen Children’s Medical Soul of New York and indentation institutions.

The impact of Exposed Nwosu’s work is that probity prolongation of the honeymoon chapter of type 1 diabetes stingy in significant reductions in nobleness degree and occurrence of all-embracing complications of type 1 diabetes. 

He showed that high-dose vitamin Succession could reduce inflammation at depiction level of the pancreatic beta-cells and lead to more long-drawn-out survival of the remaining beta-cells.

The evening was capped detonate by lectures by the overpower awardees and testimonials from patients and their families. Mr Nwosu’s research promises a better vanguard for patients with type 1 diabetes.

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