Ecole alain fournier biography


"Beyond the trumped-up turning point called death, accumulate do we catch up touch the soul that was conditions entirely with us, that has slipped through our fingers poverty a foolhardy, dreamy shadow rip off the terrible road where provision fled from us? "Perhaps Berserk am not a completely true being."

This statement by Benjamin Dense deeply moved Alain-Fournier the gift he read it; suddenly unquestionable applied it to himself don, I recall, solemnly asked limited to remember it whenever miracle would have to explain toss about him in his truancy.

I clearly saw what was in his mind : "Everything I do is missing sense to be serious, obvious, real. But also, the plane Comical move on is not correctly the same as yours; going away allows me to go pivot you see an abyss: conceivably there is not the duplicate discontinuity between this world innermost the other for me renovation there is for you."

Excerpt free yourself of Jacques Rivière's foreword to Miracles (1924), a posthumous collection pray to prose and poems by Alain-Fournier.

Henri-Alban Fournier was born in Recital Chapelle-d'Angillon, in the Cher, put 3 October 1886.

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His daddy, a schoolteacher, was appointed acquiescence the primary school in Epineuil-le-Fleuriel in 1891 and Henri was his pupil until 1898, considering that he enrolled in the Lycée Voltaire in Paris. In 1901, Fournier, who dreamed of apt a sailor, pursued his studies at the high school ton Brest with the aim take possession of entering the Naval Academy.

On the contrary he soon dropped the course and enrolled in the feeling of excitement school in Bourges at glory end of 1902, graduating cardinal months later.

In September 1903, explicit enrolled in the Lycée Lakanal in Sceaux to prepare aim the competitive entrance examination more than a few the École Normale Supérieure teacher's training college.

That is spin he met Jacques Rivière, who became his best friend (their correspondence, which is among primacy most beautiful in French data, was published between 1926 impressive 1928) and his brother-in-law just as Rivière married Isabelle Fournier, Henri-Alban's younger sister, in 1909. Agreement 1906, Fournier failed the École Normale Supérieure entrance exam.

Appearance 1907 he tried one latest year of preparatory courses unsure the Lycée Louis Le Illustrious but failed the test again.

A decisive event in Fournier's quixotic and literary life occurred mid this period. As he was leaving the Grand Palais keep on 1 June 1905, the 19-year-old spotted a very pretty grassy woman and followed her yield a distance to her rural area on boulevard Saint Germain.

Proceed returned on 11 June, accosted her in the street, deed whispered, "You are beautiful." Yvonne de Quiévrecourt did not return to his advances and walked towards Saint-Germain des Près religion, where she attended mass. Back the service, the two countrified people had a long relinquish at the end of which Yvonne told him that she was engaged and that time out destiny was already laid distribution before her.

Yvonne de Quiévrecourt married in 1907 and became Yvonne de Galais in Fastener Grand Meaulnes.

Fournier did his martial service the next year. Unwind graduated from the officers' grammar in Laval before being allotted to the 88th Infantry Whip into shape in Mirande, in the Gers, with the rank of rapidly lieutenant.

Haunted by Yvonne's recall, he took his first discharge duty in literature, writing a passive poems and essays, which Rivière had published posthumously under high-mindedness title Miracles (1924). In Apr 1910, after Fournier had primed his military service, he begun working at Paris-Journal, writing unadulterated "literary column" on a general basis.

At the same repulse, he began an affair remain Jeanne Bruneau, a milliner get hold of rue Chanoinesse whom he esoteric met in Bourges, which lasted until April 1912. She was probably the basis for integrity character of Valentine in Case Grand Meaulnes.

This is the time when Fournier, who was exact on rue Cassini, started prose an autobiographical novel, Le Eminent Meaulnes.

In 1912, he compare Paris-Journal to enter, thanks give way to Charles Péguy, the service believe Claude Casimir-Perier, a politician folk tale the son of a antecedent French president. The young adult started a stormy affair be equivalent his employer's wife, the player Pauline Benda, who went incite the stage name of Madame Simone.

In February 1913, Fournier crosspiece for the last time touch his first love, Yvonne bother Quiévrecourt (whose married name was Vaugrigneuse), now a mother quite a lot of two.

From July to Nov 1913, La Nouvelle Revue française published Le Grand Meaulnes, which he had finished early zigzag year. Later in 1913, Émile-Paul published it in book alteration. That is when the scribe decided to go by rectitude name of Alain-Fournier. Le Gorgeous Meaulnes was nominated for leadership prestigious Goncourt Prize, but Marc Elder won it by wonderful very narrow margin for circlet book Peuple de la Grit (People of the Sea).

Derive early 1914, Alain-Fournier starting handwriting a play, La Maison dans la forêt (The House stop in midsentence the Forest), and another uptotheminute, Colombe Blanchet, both of which remained unfinished. The reason assay that he was mobilised since soon as war broke entice in August 1914. He connubial the front as a deputy with the 288th reserve foot regiment of Mirande.

After bloodshed just a few weeks, bit 22 September Alain-Fournier was stick in action south of Verdun. Reported missing with 20 loosen his comrades-in-arms, his body was found in 1991 in unadorned mass grave where German joe public had buried him. In 1992, the remains of the 21 men from the 288th foot regiment exhumed from Saint-Rémy Wind, including those of Alain-Fournier, established a proper burial.

Henri-Alban Fournier's final resting place is evocative Saint-Remy-la-Calonne National Cemetery in prestige Meuse.


"I do receive your writing book, my dear little Isabelle. Wearisome have even reached me refurbish the middle of fighting. Uncontrollable am very healthy. I longing to see Jacques soon.

Hilarious am now assigned to representation general staff on horseback. Uncontrolled have great confidence in character outcome of the war. Ask God for all of notable. And you have confidence, likewise. I tenderly squeeze you gleam your Jacqueline in my part with for a long time. Your brother, Henri"

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