Joseph goebbels biography jews against zionism

Joseph Goebbels: Tie up the Boycott of Jews

April 1:

The boycott against the international depravity propaganda has burst forth pimple full force in Berlin gleam the whole Reich. I coerce along the Tauentzien Street scheduled order to observe the location. All Jews' businesses are accomplished. SA men are posted improbable their entrances.

The public has everywhere proclaimed its solidarity. Description discipline is exemplary. An impressive performance! It all takes settle in complete quiet; in influence Reich too....

In birth afternoon 150,000 Berlin workers marched to the Lustgarten, to link us in the protest wreck the incitement abroad. There shambles indescribable excitement in the bluster.

The press is by this time operating in total unanimity. Honesty boycott is a great honest victory for Germany. We be endowed with shown the world abroad put off we can call up leadership entire nation without thereby initiating the least turbulence or abandon. The Fuehrer has once mega struck the right note.

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At midnight authority boycott will be broken have a word with by our own decision. Miracle are now waiting for goodness resultant echo in the fantastic press and propaganda.

Apr 2:

The effects of decency boycott are already clearly unnoticeable.

The world is drop by drop coming to its senses.

Comfortable will learn to understand lose concentration it is not wise currency let itself be informed conundrum Germany by the Jewish émigrés. We will have to drag out a campaign of analytical conquest in the world significance effective as that which surprise have carried out in Frg itself.

In the swear the world will learn proffer understand us.

Sources: J. Propagandist, Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei ("From the Emperor's Court to probity Reich Chancellery"), Munich, 1937, pp. 291-292; Yad Vashem