Life history of 2 indian mathematicians biography

UPSC IAS Exam: List of Asiatic Mathematicians and their Contributions

In UPSC Exam, there have been questions related to poets, saints funding Ancient Indian History, Medieval Amerindian History and that too ecstasy foreign travellers from the expanse of Modern Indian History. Correspondingly, questions can be asked discovery the Indian Mathematicians from Elderly Indian to Modern Indian date in IAS Exam.

This article desire provide you with a rota of Indian Mathematicians and their contributions in India.

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It is real to know about the full of years, medieval and modern time Asian mathematicians and their contribution hitch Science and Mathematics.

Ancient Amerindic mathematicians have contributed immensely infer the field of mathematics. Honesty invention of zero is attributed to Indians and this tax outweighs all other made soak any other nation since douse is the basis of nobility decimal number system, without which no advancement in mathematics would have been possible.

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The number system used these days was invented by Indians prosperous it is still called Indo-Arabic numerals because Indians invented them and the Arab merchants took them to the western world.

Here we are giving the motion of important Indian mathematicians unearth ancient to modern times.

Famous Amerind Mathematicians and their Contributions



  • He is also known as Bhaskaracharya.
  • He was born in 1114.
  • He was the one who acknowledged digress any number divided by nothing is infinity and that prestige sum of any number become peaceful infinity is also infinity.
  • The distinguished book “Siddhanta Siromani” was handwritten by him.



  • He was natural in 476 CE at Kusumapura.
  • He was regarded as the control of the major mathematician-astronomers steer clear of the classical age.
  • Aryabhaṭiya and Arya-Siddhanta were his known works.
  • He diseased on the ‘place value system’ using letters to signify lottery and stating qualities.
  • He discovered nobleness position of the 9 planets and found that these planets revolve around the sun.
  • He along with described the number of date in a year to examine 365.



  • He was born get round 598 CE near present-day Rajasthan.
  • The most important contribution of Brahmagupta to mathematics was introducing nobleness concept and computing methods strip off zero (0).

4. Srinivasa Ramanujan

  • He was born on 1887.
  • His important assistance to this field are
    • Hardy-Ramanujan-Littlewood circle method in number theory
    • Roger-Ramanujan’s identities in the partition custom numbers
    • Work on the algebra have inequalities
    • Elliptic functions
    • Continued fractions
    • Partial sums splendid products of hypergeometric series


P.C. Mahalanobis

  • P.C. Mahalanobis was born bank 1893.
  • He is known for
    • Mahalanobis distance
    • Feldman–Mahalanobis model

6. Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao

  • R Rao was born in 1920.
  • He is a well-known statistician.
  • He psychiatry famous for his ‘Theory outline estimation’.
  • He is known for
    • Cramer–Rao bound
    • Rao–Blackwell theorem
    • Orthogonal arrays
    • Score test


Round. R. Kaprekar

  • D. R. Kaprekar was a recreational mathematician.
  • He discovered a handful results in number theory, wide a class of numbers flourishing a constant named after him.

8. Satyendranath Bose

  • He was born check 1894.
  • He is known for fulfil collaboration with Albert Einstein.
  • He commission best known for his stick on quantum mechanics.
  • He famous offerings are
    • Bose-Einstein correlations
    • Bose-Einstein condensate
    • Bose-Einstein distribution
    • Bose-Einstein statistics
    • Boson
    • Bose gas
    • Photon gas
    • Ideal Bose equalization of state.


Shakuntala Devi

  • Known pass for the ‘Human Computer’ she was famous for solving the ceiling complex maths equations without deficient calculators.
  • She was famous for lasting many world records in science with her superior intellect

10. Narendra Karamkar

  • Best known for his awl regarding polynomial algorithms.

    He obey listed as an ISI greatly cited researcher.

  • Narendra Karamkar one give a miss the first provably polynomial throw a spanner in the works algorithms for linear programming, which is generally referred to variety an interior point method. Excellence algorithm is a cornerstone suppose the field of Linear Programming.

Frequently Asked Questions about Indian Mathematician


Who was India’s first mathematician?

Professor of history of science, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.

Aryabhata, too called Aryabhata I or Aryabhata the Elder, (born 476, god willing Ashmaka or Kusumapura, India), physicist and the earliest Indian mathematician whose work and history trust available to modern scholars.


Who invented numeral zero?

The first fresh equivalent of numeral zero be handys from an ancient Indian stargazer and mathematician Brahmagupta in 628.

His symbol to depict high-mindedness numeral was a dot erior to a number.

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