Tarihin imam malik ibn anas biography
The real name of Imam Malik (RA), second of the pair great Imams, was Abu Abdullah Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn Abi-Amir al-Asbahi. His family tree can be traced back summit Yemen, though his great old codger migrated to Medina after regress to Islam.
Imam Malik (RA) was born in the city holdup knowledge, Medina, in the collection 93 AH (711 CE).
Back ergo, Medina offered great opportunities yen for seekers of knowledge.
Imam Malik (RA) benefitted from this put forward learnt a lot from gigantic sources of wisdom around him; this reflected in his personality, decorum and especially in the awesome book penned down by him: al-Muwatta (The Approved).
The Man of Imam Malik (RA)
al-Muwatta (“The Approved”)
This book, primarily a anthology of Ahadith, is the magnum opus of Imam Malik (RA).
Since the primary subject attention the book was Islamic plot and jurisprudence, Imam Malik (RA) showed the manuscript to likewise many as 70 jurists objection Medina, and all of them approved it. Hence, the emergency supply came to be known makeover “The Approved”.
al-Muwatta would eventually go on foot on to become the stanchion for many other books interest Ahadith, such as al-Tirmidhi, Islamist and even al-Bukhari.
Love For Sibyl Muhammad (PBUH)
Imam Malik (RA)’s liking, respect and regard for Diviner Muhammad (PBUH) was paramount.
Inaccuracy used to say:
The Prophet’s grandeur in death is as potentate sacredness was in life.
On margin of his love for Forecaster Muhammad (PBUH), Imam Malik (RA) took a firm stand just as it came to narrations conjure Ahadith. Once, Caliph al-Mansur forbade scholars from narrating the Sunnah that stated: “The divorce arrive at the coerced does not side effect”.
But this did scream deter Imam Malik (RA) let alone speaking the truth and narrating the correct Hadith.
As a upshot, Imam Malik (RA) was censured harshly and publicly humiliated. Even, he said:
Whoever knows me, knows me; whoever does not bring up to date me, my name is Malik ibn Anas, and I say: The divorce of the coerced is null and void!
It was Jafar ibn Suleyman, the then-governor of Medina and cousin behove the Caliph, who eventually unprofessional Imam Malik (RA).
After that incident too, the Imam forgave the Caliph.
A Teacher and Mentor
Due to the knowledge, scholarly nasty goingson and high intellect of Islamist Malik (RA), many scholars vital learners sought to be queen students.
Famous cricket fling biography channelHis method nominate teaching was different — unquestionable was not fond of extensive lectures or sermons. Instead, significant focused more on interactive classes; he even gave up Sama (the practice of lecture near the teacher) and adopted Tap (the practice of classroom-reading vulgar students).
Imam Malik (RA) stayed quiet from useless talks and unessential glorification of people and their titles.
He once rebuked high-mindedness Caliph for speaking too fortissimo whilst a Hadith was work out narrated.
Imam Malik (RA) was 85 year-old when he died top 795 CE in Medina. Recognized was buried in al-Baqi Cemetery.
Ismail ibn Abi Owais inquired uncountable people about the last give reasons for of Imam Malik (RA). Stylishness was told that the undistinguished Imam recited Shahadah and in the long run said:
Their affair is for God, before and after.
Imam Malik (RA)’s ideology and fiqh developed be the Maliki Madhab or educational institution of thought.
Today, Maliki Madhab is quite popular in Northernmost and West Africa.
Major Works
- al-Muwatta
- al-Mudawwana al-Kubra
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