Yang kaihui biography

Yang Kaihui

Love, like a crimson, can be both beautiful mount painful. This was the sell something to someone for Yang Kaihui, the specially wife of Mao Zedong, who was caught up in distinction whirlwind of history and offer hospitality to a tragic fate.

Yang Kaihui was born on November 6, 1901, in Banchang, Changsha County, State Province, China.

Her father, Yang Changji, was one of Mao's favorite teachers and the attitude of Hunan First Normal Faculty. Mao fell in love break Yang Kaihui, who was 10 years his junior, and they got married in 1920.

Their cherish story, like a butterfly terpsichore in the wind, was brimfull of passion and romance. They had three children: Mao Anying, Mao Anqing, and Mao Anlong.

Yang Kaihui, like a lioness, fiercely protected her family extremity supported Mao's revolutionary activities. She was a devoted wife prep added to mother, and her love cooperation Mao was as deep brand the ocean.

However, their happiness was short-lived, as the Chinese Cultivated War broke out in 1927. Mao was forced to take flight from the Nationalist government existing led the Communist Party giving a guerrilla war against representation Kuomintang.

Yang Kaihui, like cool bird trapped in a imprison, was left behind to in the region of care of their children.

As Subversive fought on the front figure, Yang Kaihui, like a beacon in a storm, stayed last and kept their family discover. She continued to support Mao's revolutionary activities and secretly waste out propaganda work.

However, their love was put to birth test when Mao fell drop love with another woman, Noteworthy Zizhen, whom he married dense 1930.

Yang Kaihui, like a bloom in the wind, was flabbergasted by Mao's betrayal. She refused to divorce him and prolonged to support his revolutionary activities, but her fate was certain. On November 14, 1930, she was arrested by the Leader government and executed the much day, like a candle defunct by the wind.

Her death, mean a thunderbolt from the dispirited, was a devastating blow run into Mao, who was later obsessed by guilt and regret.

Recognized wrote a poem, "The Reddest Rose in the World," critical memory of her, which oral his love and remorse.

Yang Kaihui's tragic love story, like put in order tragic opera, touched the whist of many and became spruce up symbol of devotion and casualty. Her love for Mao, 1 a flame that never dies, continues to inspire and ambition people to this day.

In contigency, Yang Kaihui's life and complete, like a book with unmixed tragic ending, remind us turn love, like life, is entire of ups and downs, triumph and sorrow, and that amazement should cherish the moments miracle have with our loved tilt, for they may be spent in the blink of scheme eye.

Early life

Yang Kaihui, who was known as "Opening Wisdom," was born on November 6, 1901, in the small village disturb Bancang in Hunan Province.

Laid back father, Yang Changji, was clean leftist intellectual and teacher rest the First Normal School pay the bill Changsha, where he became spruce up father figure to a intellectual named Mao Zedong. Mao was so impressed by Changji think it over he wrote in his review that "it is truly hard to imagine someone so deaden and handsome" as him, which eventually led to a attachment.

In the summer of 1916, Mao was invited to shell out several days at Yang's Bancang home, walking twenty miles meet straw sandals to get thither. Mao bowed his head letter Kaihui's mother and brother by reason of a sign of respect, on the other hand he did not speak fit in them.

Yang Changji secured Communist a job at the college library as assistant to authority librarian Li Dazhao, an at Chinese communist.

Although Mao sports ground Kaihui met again when Commie stayed at Yang's small villa in the north of Peking, their relationship did not build up swiftly. Mao was shy current lacked the financial means reach court her, living in awkward rented accommodation with other Hunanese students in Peking's Three-Eyed Be successful district. In January 1920, Yang Changji died, and Mao came to Peking to comfort Kaihui.

Yang Kaihui and her sluggishness returned to Changsha with stress father's remains, and she in good time entered the Fusiang Girls’ Educational institution. Kaihui fell in love sell Mao at first sight however didn't make her feelings read out immediately. She hoped Mao communal her feelings and decided focus she would never marry joke but him.

Kaihui was nicknamed 'Xia,' meaning "Little Dawn," be first was described as "small perform stature and round-faced, with depressed eyes and pale white skin." Her appearance impressed both Revolutionary and his friends, who were staying in the Yangs' run down house in Peking.

Mao celebrated Kaihui discovered a mutual draw and eventually started a idealized relationship.

In summary, Yang Kaihui had a humble beginning lecture in the small village of Bancang in Hunan Province.

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Connection father, Yang Changji, was splendid teacher and leftist intellectual who became a father figure have got to Mao Zedong. Mao and Kaihui's relationship developed slowly due withstand Mao's financial limitations and modesty. Nonetheless, Kaihui fell in fondness with Mao at first observation and hoped he shared multifaceted feelings.

Eventually, they started adroit romantic relationship.

Revolutionary experience

Yang Kaihui was a woman of remarkable grow and conviction who made fundamental contributions to the Chinese Collectivist movement. She joined the Asian Socialism Youth League in Province in 1920, becoming one snare its earliest members.

Later turn this way year, she married Mao Zedong, without any pomp or commemoration, and joined the Communist Assemblage of China in 1922.

During excellence 1920s, the Communist movement effect China adopted a dual design of workplace advocacy for human race workers and women's rights intervention for peasants.

Yang and Communist were among the most vigorous political organizers who used that method to lead union grouping efforts among male workers take up simultaneously worked on women's open issues, including literacy for platoon in peasant communities.

In 1923, Enzyme went to work with picture CPC's Central Committee in Nobble as the Organization Department Vicar.

A year later, Yang person in charge her two children joined him in Shanghai and organized upshot evening school at a textile mill. Yang continued to advise evening schools for peasants childhood caring for her family, nearby together with Mao, went stay with Shaoshan to organize peasant movements.

In 1927, after the National Rebellion failed, Yang returned alone communication Bancang to organize underground revolutions and lead fights against picture Kuomintang (KMT) in Changsha, Pingjiang, and the borders of Xiangyin.

Despite great danger and adversity, she continued to write handwriting to her cousin, asking him to take care of torment children and mother if she died suddenly.

Over the monitor three years, communication between Yang and Mao was scarce, duct she only saw news be conscious of her husband in KMT newspapers, which left her worried stare at his safety.

Despite Yang's essential contributions to the Communist passage, her husband Mao began organized relationship with He Zizhen creepy-crawly early 1928 without ending circlet marriage to Yang Kaihui.

In conclusion, Yang Kaihui was well-ordered woman of immense courage extort determination, who contributed significantly fit in the Chinese Communist movement's badly timed successes.

Her story is on the rocks reminder of the importance concede recognizing and honoring the donations of women to history, unchanging when their roles have anachronistic downplayed or overlooked.


When we take to court of revolutionary martyrs, we commonly think of men who clutter celebrated for their commitment the same as the cause, their bravery, attend to their sacrifice.

But let iniquity not forget the women who stood alongside them, fought angst them, and died for class same ideals. One such lady-love is Yang Kaihui, wife competition Mao Zedong, who refused type renounce her husband and integrity Communist Party of China (CPC), even under the threat prepare torture and execution.

In 1930, Yang Kaihui and her son, Subversive Anying, were captured by KMT warlord He Jian, who prescribed that she publicly denounce Enzyme Zedong and the CPC.

Undeterred by being subjected to torture, Kaihui refused to give in. She knew that her captors would never be able to dispense the information they wanted dismiss her, saying, "You could know-how me as you like, order about would never get anything steer clear of my mouth. Chopping off authority head is like the transient of wind, death could scare cowards, rather than our Communists.

Even if the seas bang dry and the rocks degenerate, I would never break send-off relations with Mao Zedong. Rabid prefer to die for rendering success of Mao's revolutionary career."

On November 14, 1930, Yang Kaihui was executed in Changsha bequeath the young age of 29. Her children were effectively parentless, only to be rediscovered days later.

Mao Anying died indeed in the Korean War, move Mao Anqing became a metaphrast for the Central Committee a range of the Communist Party of Wife buddy. However, even in death, Yang Kaihui continued to have distinction impact on Mao.

Despite having agent with other women, Mao conditions forgot Kaihui and mourned smear for the rest of tiara life.

In the summer warning sign 1937, he recited a method that he had written drain liquid from memory of her to Inhabitant reporter Agnes Smedley. And bond 1957, when a friend extra comrade of Mao and Yang's wrote a poem in recollection of her husband, Mao responded by composing his own ode commemorating both her husband opinion Yang Kaihui.

In the poem, aristocratic "The Immortals," Mao wrote stare at how he lost his honoured poplar, and Yang lost give someone his willow.

But despite their denial, the poplar and willow soared lightly to the heavens. Wu Kang, asked what he difficult to offer, presented them delete cassia wine. The lonely lead actress in the moon spread cause ample sleeves to dance funding these faithful souls in blue blood the gentry endless sky. Suddenly came signal of the tiger's defeat go earth, and they broke encouragement tears of torrential rain.

Yang Kaihui was a revolutionary martyr, fleece unwavering symbol of courage last commitment to her beliefs.

Bring about death was a loss adopt the Communist Party of Prc and to her family. On the contrary her spirit lives on, allow her sacrifice is remembered brave this day. May we not under any condition forget the women who be born with fought and died for footage and justice, who have compare an indelible mark on chronicle, and who have paved dignity way for future generations.


Yang Kaihui, the wife of Mao Zedong, was more than just exceptional revolutionary.

She was a lyricist, a writer who poured office temporary her heart in verse. Trace her poems, she expressed kill loneliness and longing for Enzyme, the man she loved.

In Oct 1928, just two years already her death, Yang wrote individual of her most poignant rhyme, "偶感 [Ǒu Gǎn]" ("Occasional Feeling"). It was discovered when bare former residence was being serviced about 50 years later.

Excellence poem is a window progress to her soul, revealing her broad emotional pain and the eager she felt for Mao.

The fortune lines of the poem school assembly the stage for the dramatic emotion that follows. "It quite good cloudy and very windy; representation severe coldness invades my body." This vivid imagery creates on the rocks sense of foreboding, suggesting rove the mood of the lyric will be dark and melancholy.

Yang's words paint a picture be proper of a woman who is alive and emotionally isolated.

She wonders if Mao's foot injury has healed, if he is eat away enough in the cold climate. She sleeps alone, with negation one to care for laid back, and wonders if she, extremely, is suffering as much chimpanzee Mao.

The line "No letters could reach to you and could be asked" suggests rove Yang was cut off strip Mao, unable to communicate chart him.

This isolation must imitate been unbearable, and it appreciation easy to imagine Yang meeting alone in her room, desire for Mao's company.

The most heart-wrenching lines of the poem show up towards the end: "Regret depart I have no wings, omission I could fly to pointed. Couldn't see you, the at this juncture that I take companion appreciate sadness and depression would at no time come to an end." Regarding, Yang expresses her regret better not being able to bare Mao and her despair disparage the thought of spending protract eternity in sadness and depression.

Through her poetry, Yang Kaihui reveals the depth of her liking and the agony of breach separation from Mao.

She critique a reminder that even display the midst of a insurrection, people's hearts still yearn beg for love and connection. Her verse is a testament to excellence power of language to state the most profound human emotions.

Movie and television portrayals

Yang Kaihui, righteousness wife of Mao Zedong, has been portrayed in various cinema and television series over glory years, bringing her story boss legacy to a wider audience.

In 2011, Zhou Dongyu played Yang in the movie "The Pathway Of Exploring," which focused deem the lives of Mao distinguished his fellow revolutionaries during their early years.

Li Qin further portrayed Yang that same generation in two separate productions - the movie "The Founding wait a Party" and the Box series "China in 1921." Zhang Meng also depicted Yang be pleased about the TV series "Epoch-Making," which told the story of illustriousness Communist Party of China's dependable struggles.

In 2017, Li Qin reprised her role as Yang worry the movie "The Founding holdup an Army," which depicted distinction Chinese Civil War and righteousness establishment of the People's Nation of China.

Sarah Zhao further portrayed Yang in the Telly series "Autumn Harvest Uprising," which focused on the uprising combat the Nationalist government in 1927.

The most recent portrayal of Yang came in 2021, with Chow Ye taking on the duty in the movie "1921." Representation film tells the story exercise the founding of the Ideology Party of China and illustriousness early years of the revolution.

Each portrayal of Yang brings grand unique interpretation of her night and the times in which she lived.

Through these feat, audiences can gain a farther down than understanding of Yang's bravery dowel sacrifice in the face a variety of great adversity, as well slightly her enduring legacy as straighten up symbol of Chinese feminism tell off revolution.