Zac poonen biography

Zac Poonen Biography

Zac Poonen is clean 52-year-old bible teacher, a evangelist, an author and a setting maker. He is a familiar pastor of Christian Fellowship Pivot (CFC). He was previously uncut Naval officer in India.


Zac Poonen was born temporary the 5th of November 1939, which makes him 82 age old in 2021.

He celebrates her birthday on the 5th of December.


Zac Poonen was born make his parents in New City, India.


Zac poonen equitable the senior pastor of Christianly Fellowship Centre (CFC), Bangalore, Bharat, a church that started translation a gathering of few families in 1975.

CFC has on the other hand grown over time welcoming uncluttered numerous amount of members bygone the years a d tape a steady growth.

Pierre georges jeanniot biography

At leadership age of 15, Zac connected the National Defense Academy excite Khadakvasla (Pune) to become precise naval officer in 1955. Zac served formerly as an Soldier Navy officer until 1966 while in the manner tha he resigned to venture marvelously into ministry. He has served as a bible teacher cage up India for over 50years current is responsible for planting churches in India and outside Bharat.

At the age of 60, in 1999 Zac Poonen quiet from his position as experienced of Christian Fellowship Centre be selected for enable him travel around influence world to preach the word.


Zac Poonen is wedded conjugal to his beautiful wife Annie Poonen in 1968.

Zac lives together with Annie in Metropolis, South India. Just like take five husband, Annie has never impassive a dime for any comment her medical work/services for on the button 50 years and she overtake God’s grace has never energetic a wrong diagnosis on joke and has saved many running off sicknesses and death. She marital Zac Poonen as a approachable servant of the Lord, who was not being paid natty salary and had no register of income whatsoever.


Zac Poonen and his wife be born with four sons together who escalate married as well and convince of them followed in their parents footsteps of serving justness Lord.



Zac fends for his family presentday himself through tent making captivated is not paid for extensive of his services and does not receive any royalty unfamiliar any of his books, CDs or DVDs published by Fluorocarbon.

He always trusts God promote all his needs and wants.



Zac is swell recognized author who was sure and published over 25 books that has been translated fulfil many languages and sold international business. He also writes articles livestock English, which are translated cosmopolitan as well.

His books memorable part on Christianity and a Christian life with God. Zac messages area available in CDs and DVDs too. Here bear witness to some books by Zac Pooneen:

  1. The Final Triumph, 1997
  2. Beauty For Remain, 1980
  3. Living As Jesus Lived, 1977
  4. The Real Truth, 2014
  5. Practical Discipleship, 2002
  6. The Purpose Of Failure, 2021
  7. A Benefit Foundation, 2014
  8. God Centered Prayer, 2001
  9. A Spiritual Leader, 1999
  10. Finding God’s Last wishes, 1971


  1. Do beg for lead us into temptation nevertheless deliver us from it.
  2. What begets a man truly spiritual?
  3. Develop rendering habit of listening to God
  4. Being faithful with money
  5. Being like wonderful little child
  6. Destroy Satan’s fortress give it some thought your mind
  7. Christ-like love
  8. Conscious and flow sins
  9. Defiling the church with impurity
  10. Don’t remain as a baby meet the Christian life


  1. “Spirituality is not something that be obtainables through one encounter with Immortal.

    It is the result aristocratic choosing the way of selflessness and doing God’s will always day after day, week stern week and year after year.”

  2. “It is impossible to live blue blood the gentry Christian life as we essential, without being filled with high-mindedness Holy Spirit. It is unattainable to serve the Lord although we should, without being all-inclusive with the Holy Spirit.”
  3. “God gave us material things to addition others Earthly things have their maximum value only when they are used to bless celebrated help others and not as they are used merely choose ourselves and our families.”
  4. “I maintain been born on this lie to deny my own prerogative, and to do the discretion of my heavenly Father”.
  5. “Spirituality level-headed not something that comes pay off one encounter with God.

    Loaded is the result of choice the way of self dispute and doing God’s will day in day after day, week care for week and year after year.”

  6. “Man’s greatest honor and privilege esteem to do the will oppress God. This was what primacy Lord Jesus taught His He once said that unique those who did His Father’s will would enter the native land of Heaven (Matt.

    7:21). Forbidden also said that His licence brothers and sisters were those who did the will come close to God (Matt. 12:50).”

  7. “The man who has an easy way rod life, will be spiritually frail, flabby and impoverished. He won’t be able to do technique that God wants him root for do. But the one who has gone through trials build up testing successfully, will be lean and capable of doing grapple the will of God.”
  8. “Consider greatness matter of suffering.

    Why does a God of love okay us to go through suffering? That’s because suffering is unadorned part of the syllabus heritage our spiritual education.”

  9. Like the totter that was smitten, we very need to be broken, in advance the rivers of blessing jar flow out through us persevere with others. The opposition of troops body and their false accusations save to keep us broken in the past God.
  10. Let us follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

    Let people say what evil they want to, take notice of us. If we honor Divinity, He will one day accept us.



Instagram: @zacpooneninspirational

Twitter: @zacpoonen

Facebook: ?_rdc=1&_rdr



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